
Sunday 26 July 2015

Sandra Bland Case

I commend the people in the USA for their calmness and support of Sandra Bland, their family and friends. Now the funeral has happened, and the family are asking for further support, I feel it is appropriate to respond.

I viewed recent offerings on the case, that included some paperwork that gave the time of 04.27PM and a 'silver car'. When in fact, the time written should have been 16.47PM or 04.27AM. In the film of the incident it certainly looked like the car was white and news reports also said the car was white.

I compared Sandra in her most recent video, with the 'mugshot' of Sandra and it is clear that she had been 'traumatised' by what had happened to her, her face looked swollen and I noticed her right eye was bloodshot.

I support the view of other human rights activists; that she looks 'dead' when that mugshot was taken.

There are still many questions in this case to be answered, and the Bland family lawyer gives his response. In the video of the press conference, it is mentioned that Sandra had been to court. It doesn't mention whether any family or friends were in attendance at that court hearing when the bail was decided, or whether a lawyer was in attendance. It just says that the family were busy raising the money to get her bailed.

The lawyer confirms that she wasn't on any medication for 'suicidal' tendencies etc.

What did the police officer put in the bin when no-one was looking? Did he forget that there are cameras?

This video has also been uploaded that confirms evidence in respect of the 'arresting' officer prior to Sandra being taken to the jail. Apparently, he has since been sent on administrative leave. Cases such as this are not just happening in the USA to human rights activists that are defending social justice for the children of our nations.

I would like to make it clear - that this is not solely an American issue, nor is it simply an issue of colour either; (as some Americans say it is) although there appears to be a bigger prevalence of it in the USA, due to sheer size of the country. Police standing against human rights activists as been going on for a long time in other nations. Please appreciate that, Sandra Bland is one of the many - as we have also seen how journalists, holistic doctors and ecologists have died.

There was also the advance warning for the USA and the McCoy Visions given at the start of the month of July.

Another aspect of Sandra's case is that she was 28 years old and 28 is the numeric of the lamb.

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice, he asked for MERCY!

So come, black, white, all colours of the rainbow, defend our human rights activists.

'Whenever the LORD raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the LORD relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them' Judges 2:18

'He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth'. The rod is interesting as in the major arcane it represents springtime, and the Son of Joseph was born an Aries.

'Righteousness will be his belt, and faithfulness the sash around his waist'. Isaiah 11:3-5. The Son of Joseph was a magistrate in England in London, on the bench late in life, and he liked wearing belts around his waist. He defended our ethnic communities and their human rights, with all of his might, strength and compassion. He also brought up his children to love everyone in our communities.

The Sandra Bland case touched my compassionate heart deeply, as I am fully aware of what the police are capable of and how they are trained to psychologically break a person. Not just their human will and Spirit to defend themselves, but what they do as a huge impact on the vital body of consciousness.

I know from life experience (of an unlawful arrest) that what the police do, can impact on your life and its health for many years. It is also scientifically proven that 'trauma and its stress' changes DNA, so when a person is taken into police custody, their health is in serious risk - that can change their lives forever.

As far as I am concerned, the officer should have just given Sandra a ticket and then let her go. The fact, that he didn't do so, combined with a history of being stopped, shows us that Sandra Bland was targeted continuously. As I wrote the other day when I saw the list of offences against her, the earliest was in 2004. She would've been around 17-18 years of age at that point - and a child's brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25.

So what compassion and mercy is there for young people that have become human rights activists? The heavenly Father promised that he would send help to his people, and I can assure you that, Obama is not what many Americans thought he was. Targeting innocent people for 'arrests', when you have an 'empty jail' raises money for the economy doesn't it?

Especially, when you have police officers sitting in the stations twiddling their thumbs; being paid high salaries looking forward to high pensions. I say, sack everyone that was involved in the police that were involved in the Sandra Bland case. Of course, put them on all trial first. When a person is in custody, it is the responsibility of the police that the person in custody is given the best care possible.

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