
Sunday 26 July 2015

America's World Cup Series 'Abandoned'

It was planned for Portsmouth 23-26th July, 2015 and you know what God said about their plans in the biblical prophecies. William and Kate had gone to Portsmouth to watch it, alas, the weather of 30mph winds ensured that the race was 'abandoned'. As we know, 30 is to do with the spiritual law for that which you give you will receive in this 2015 year of generous. Matthew 20:15. 

'The LORD foils the plans of the nations, he thwarts the purposes of the peoples'. Psalm 33:10 'The LORD knows all human plans, he knows that they are futile'. Psalm 94:11. 'They rebelled against God's commands and despised the plans of the Most High'. Psalm 107:11

Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; filled with food, they became heavy and sleek. They abandoned the God who made them and rejected the Rock their Savior. Deu 32:15 

The 26th July is the 'Day of the Herald' and the herald ran with the prophecy at the appointed time in 2009.

Interesting that I was compelled to buy nuts yesterday, almonds, brazils and walnuts. There is a big drought in the USA isn't there, its 4th year of drought in California, and I saw that they've been pulling up the almond trees due to the amount of water that they required.

Yesterday, there was news of the 'Cosmopolitan' hotel on fire in Vegas, and earlier this month, I had written, 'No Cosmopolitan Politics'.

They say it won't be long before Las Vegas does not have water for its fountains, showers and toilets. What do the sailors have to say about that? How about William and Kate, what do they have to say about the drought?

For the prophecies predict that you will build mansions and not live in them, and you shall plant vineyards and not drink of its wine. No coincidence then that Richard Branson owns vineyards in California, he likes his boats as well doesn't he, while the children are suffering in the nations.

And congratulations to Chris Froome the man of British Sport today.

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