
Thursday 16 July 2015

Olive Cooke RIP

There is news of another elderly lady that has passed over in the UK. Her name OLIVE COOKE and she sold poppies to raise funds for charity for 76 years. 

The note that she left after committing suicide, shared with us that it was due to 'little sleep' and that she could 'take it no more'. It is clear that the medical profession did not have the solutions for the elderly lady and her plight, she had gone beyond endurance of what she was suffering. 

The news report states that she suffered from 'insomnia and depression'. 

As I have written previously, all the solutions are spiritual and holistic. However, I am sure that Olive is happy that she can now rest in peace - and she is remembered and honoured for her fundraising, dedication and devotion. This follows on from my recent dream with my mother and all of the elderly people who were happy having their photograph taken together.

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