
Friday 17 July 2015

Chattanooga Shooting Predicted?

On the 1st of July I posted a list of visions that I had been given - and yesterday I indicated that we were getting much closer to the timeline for the event. I could feel it getting closer due to what else was happening.

In the original post, I gave a warning to Americans and felt that the first three visions applied to the USA. I connected the visions to a location of cinema venues etc. I was also given the word 'McCoy' and it means the real thing. What people can then ponder upon, is the event the real thing and or the pre-warning delivered by the person that was given the visions of the prior to the event.

I read about the shooting in the USA at Chattanooga. Although it wasn't confirmed fully with the McCoy visions until someone posted a link that exactly 50 years ago, the film 'Sound of Music' debuted in Chattanooga on the 16th July. The 16th July, is the 'Day of Rising Tide' in numerics.

People that know me, know about my connection with the 'Sound of Music', how I was shown a vision of Julie Andrews from the film,  and divinely instructed to have my hair cut the same. That's a long time ago now, back in 2000 when the photograph on this blog was taken.

The Islamic looking guy that is featured in the BBC report on the shooting, does look like the guy that I saw with the glass behind him with the boxer dog in the photograph dream.

Although his hair wasn't as short as that - and he didn't have a beard either, he was very shy, that is why I asked him to repeat what he said.

However, now another photograph of him as emerged and he looks exactly as the man that I saw in the dream, although his hair didn't look so curly. So in the dream we had the man with the boxer dog and now we have a man wearing boxing gloves!

The BBC news report it says that four marines have died, and more have been injured. Remember in the McCoy visions I also heard an ambulance go by, and I was sitting in the garden when I received the visions.

In the tweets that have been found, it mentions the 'American dogs'. However, the boxer dog that was in the dream, was developed in Germany, and used by the military, and we all know what is happening with Greece right now.

Also the film link with the location, also links with Germany. They say the shooter was born in the Middle East, makes you wonder whether that is true. News reports provide information, but how do you know what is true - unless you see the evidence yourself?

In the 'McCoy' visions given on the 1st of July, there was also a 'dog' a 'gun dog' information that was posted at that time. A gun dog can also be symbolic of the military - when it is given in a vision.

I have been provided with many warnings in advance of happenings, the testimony of warning is often given in advance of events and proven to be accurate. It is my duty to share these visions, testimony of warning, and what it relates to when things happen and what was given is fulfilled.

Then people can review all that was given, how it was given and when it was given divinely.

After this original post was written, prior to the most recent edit to add the 'Boxer Photograph', Jesus was close to me with the hot power of his love and he said, 'They failed'.

Although the word 'failed' and 'fouled' does sound the same.


It is now Friday, and I have an infection in my right ear - the same ear that the man spoke to in the dream of the man with the boxer dog. An infection impacting on my hearing in that ear. Check out the dream as hearing was also connected with it.

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