
Sunday 21 June 2015


Today the LORD spoke of the SHALE and from what I can see the USA is so far gone with it - some even say that it is the cause of earthquakes. I didn't see the 'sink holes' mentioned in any of the articles that I looked at - although surely that is one of its consequences of cause and effect. 

If a country cannot mobilise against a reality like 'Fracking' to stop it - what can it mobilise against? Has America been asleep for decades?

In the UK, Greenpeace had its advert banned by the ASA. Friends of the Earth are against fracking and so am I. No to fracking, the Guardian newspaper in the UK have done a good job staying on to the case and following its developments. And I noticed last year that an MP was defensive about 'Fracking' when it was raised. We can also find the word in Hebrew and it has different meanings in the texts. In the book of Job 'Shale' is to do with the 'destroyers' that prosper and the translation of the word 'Shale' is prosper. 

In Psalm 122 Jerusalem prospers in love. Thereby you have the different realities of how those that 'destroy' can be found amongst those that support fracking the shale. Compared with those that prosper in love found in the Psalm. 

When I looked at the video on the Shale in the USA it reminded me of the second dream that I had recently - as that dream included cars.

'I rejoiced with those who said to me, let us go to the house of the LORD.
Our feet are standing in your gates Jerusalem'.

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