
Saturday 20 June 2015

Babies 11 Weeks

This was written in response to an American Christian man and it is worthy to be shared with you for there is much for man to learn and to know about pregnancy and birth. Seriously, what does man know about birth, and why scans are not done before 11 weeks. Its because that there is usually two souls - two foetus. One usually leaves prior to the eleven weeks and that's why they leave the first scan as long as they can.


Scan gifted to an American Christian by the name of 'Gotcha'. 

However, with two souls being present at conception - sometimes one of the souls doesn't go home when it is meant to do so. So it can hang around causing havoc for the baby that is birthed, so that someone does the healing to clear it out so that it can go home to whence it came. Another reason why baby massage with lavender oil is important after birth. And no baby yoga, no yoga until the baby is at least seven years old - if yoga is your thing. Personally - physical yoga didn't do anything for me - it didn't turn me on.

The mystics at Qumran also wrote about the two Spirits and that one of the Sprits is of truth. See do you understand yet? At conception more than one soul can push in due to it wishing to be born.

Then someone asked, 'So Bruce Jenner has 2 souls. Instead of zero like I assumed?'.

My response is that it is more than possible. Also we know that a 'traumatic' birth can change DNA and depending on the genetic make-up - it can just tip the balance. The greater the 'stress' in childhood - the greater the balance tips! Until such time as a person grows and matures into common sense and starts to comprehend themselves and their actions. Then people can do something about it - heal what they are experiencing.

However - parents that are into healing methodologies that have been blessed for healing consciousness - know that they can get help from experienced spiritual people to help them and their children.

Remember that Jesus said to bring the children unto me - suffer the little children - for what you do to the children - you also do unto me. So you can be sure that parents bring their children to healers that they know have been blessed by Jesus himself - they know they can get the best help they can to help the children and themselves.

Some say they are scanning at six weeks. So maybe they've discovered that it can be reduced to six weeks due to the second foetus leaving the woman's womb prior to that. However, the last time that I spoke to a doctor that works with mother and babies she confirmed what I said was true. Last week I spoke to a midwife - who became a health visitor and she also confirmed what I said was true about the two foetus and the scans.

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