
Tuesday 5 May 2015

Ralph Waldo Emerson -v- WISDOM

A response to a poster that promotes Ralph Waldo Emerson in the public domain:

In my humble experience - there are different types of wisdom 

The wisdom gained from experience and the proverbs explain to you that it comes from business - in business you gain insight: Working in business can come in many forms - in different markets - industries - careers in both the private and public sectors: In different genres - in publishing - in social media - in health and spirituality! 

Then there is the wisdom given divinely - the hidden manna 

However the prophecies also spoke of a woman that would come - and Jesus called her WISDOM - he spoke of how this calls for a mind of wisdom and he called wisdom and her insights forth: 

As we know every cell as a mind of its own: However the originating DNA is very important: Although we know from life experience and scientifically - that life experience can impact on the cells and change DNA and so sometimes we have to reverse the impact of life experience  that has taken its toll on the body! 

In some of the miracles that I was blessed to deliver - I instructed the originating DNA to activate what I knew could be activated for the health of the person - when the right words and actions were delivered: 

The woman received hands on Reiki healing - while listening to the sound of my voice that had been recorded specifically for the healing process that was required: A meditation of the heart prescribed for healing the heart and everything that the heart impacts upon!  In addition she was prescribed with a flower essence remedy combination specific for what her body was holding on to - to help her to release it from her lungs! Every single case of chronic health conditions are unique and different due to the different life experiences that people have lived: 

That is why at times it is important to surrender to what your bodies are telling you - sometimes it is important to surrender and allow yourself to be helped by another - just as the people who received the miracles did in my presence: It was important that they accepted divine guidance - insight and wisdom that was given to help the people with the journey: 

With chronic situations and health conditions it has to be hands-on - although last night we were sharing about what the doctors don't tell you about Vitamin K2: Did you know that the scientists didn't begin to discover the vitamins until the 1930's: Did you know that even a decade ago doctors only received two hours of training in nutrition - how many of your doctors shared with you the essential importance of K2 for the health of your being: How many doctors tested you for vitamin deficiencies and how many prescribed vitamin supplements for your health conditions: 

Where the doctors able to tell you what the root cause of the condition was - and were they able to remove that which was killing you: Did they give you their full attention and utmost intention - and work with you intensely to resolve the condition that had to be resolved: 

Did Ralph Waldo Emerson share the wisdom of healing foods and its nutrients that are essential and an absolute necessity for a healthy life - did he give support to those that required it! Did Ralph work with vibrational medicine and magnanimous love healing therapies - did he have the wisdom to develop and design a new model of empowerment for the poor - or how about the development of specific recipes for specific health conditions - did he have the wisdom and insight to do that! 

Pray tell me what Ralph has achieved before you promote him to the people in the presence of integrity and its wisdom! 

The Jewish prophets also spoke of a woman - and Jeremiah gave the prophecy that a woman would surround a man! 

Jeremiah 31:22, "a woman will surround a man?"

Where did Ralph Waldo Emerson get his teaching of a quote that the person who was promoting his work cited: The words of Jesus Christ asked the people to seek within for that which had to be brought forth and released from the body! In the Gospel of Thomas he spoke of how it would astound people when they found it! 

The LORD did not ask for sacrifice - he asked for mercy and the word for mercy in Hebrew is HESED sometimes spelt as CHESED and it includes lovingkindness - compassionate action and charity: You certainly require that in the healing process:

For a person has to be charitable in their hearts - the givers in life are charitable - and Luke 20:15 speaks of Jesus and 'Generous' so might you ask yourselves how generous and charitable have you been during your lives - what did you give to assist others - to make a breakthrough and liberate their souls: Were you able to unlock a person - did Jesus give you the keys for healing consciousness - were you able to liberate the love of the people - and able to assist them to reclaim their dignity: 

Did you get the shopping for a woman that couldn't carry it - did you ensure that a woman had the strength of your arm - so that she was safe while she was walking in Egypt on holiday! Did you help a woman to live her dream of a trip down the Nile - and with your strength - she was able to do so - and regain her strength in the sunshine of your love! 

Did you encourage others with their divine missions and make a contribution to what they had been sent to do: Did you embrace those people and were you joyous for those individuals: Did you make a divine intervention - and in your tender loving care - did one become a thousand healers: 

How many men - women and children did Ralph Waldo Emerson help during his life - and what are his good works! 

How did you surround a person with your love and how deep did your love go - how far were you willing to travel to help others - what compelled your heart to be compassionate and merciful - and what insights did you gain from those that you helped: 

How merciful were you to yourselves and your bodies - did your body know that you truly loved others and honored others: Were you tender and gentle to your body and what insights did you gain from it:

Were you a symptom of your success due to the amount of people that you had helped during your life: Did the divine give you greater and greater challenges - the more that you overcome and was victorious - all part of the divine plan for the righteous! The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes that you are given:

Did the time come when you prayed for your hands to be strengthened - and was the methodology given divinely to you - so that you could also help others with the insights and wisdom gained from it! 

Did Jesus give you his wisdom - did he give you some hidden manna - did he help you to surpass everything and everyone in your life - because you had earned it during your life:

Not through aspiration - but through the willingness to do the will of the LORD and his Son - wisdom was given in all of its realities - to those that honored it! 

Ponder upon it 

When I woke up today I was feeling weak - and I heard the message Aldi - so I looked at their website to look at what was on special offer: The following foods were on offer:

Butternut Squash 
Sweet Potatoes 
Green Beans 

So I asked my son to fetch the food for his mum - when wisdom looked at the Butternut Squash - she smiled - it comes from South Africa and it is the variety of Venus: 

I've also considered that color for my hair for the summer to cheer me up as wisdom is in repose of the heart for this reality: The prophecies speak of a time that is holy to the LORD - a time when there is no more grieving - a time when you shall eat choice foods and sweet drinks! 

That reminds me of the time when I was sent to Israel for the first time in 2006 - the prophecy signifies how important it is that people have a time of recovery after a bereavement - and it is the time of recovery that is holy to the LORD - when people share the time of recovery together - how wonderful it is! 

When I shared the journey to Egypt on the Nile cruise - it too was a time of recovery for the other woman - she was recovering from an operation on her leg -  after an accident coming home from work in London! 

For Israel it is a time of recovery - it is a time for Israel that is holy to the LORD - for the day that was holy to the LORD was shared with Israel when I walked the land for five weeks! The first time for three weeks and the second time in 2007 for two weeks:

Pineapple is certainly a sweet drink to the mouth of wisdom - the fruit of the lips!

After this post had been written there were some lovely golden lights appearing before me  - and the golden energy was surrounded in red - so I have added the lovely Charlotte singing to the post! 

As the LORD said 'Chalut' in Hebrew 

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