
Wednesday 6 May 2015


I had a powerful dream this morning there were some people that I knew in the dream and some people that I didn't know:

A man in the dream and two women were the major focus - the man was tall - a large well built man - it is not the first time that he has appeared in dreams: 

He didn't realize how heavily involved she had been into health realities career wise - until the other woman showed him what she had been doing professionally:

The lady with the short blonde hair showed him her work with a health minister - the impact her work with health has had:  The blonde woman in the dream was so happy at what yours truly had achieved - and she knew that she had to enlighten him about her work: 

The man hadn't taken the woman seriously - it took someone else to explain the work that I had been involved in - and then he was very surprised - he kept smiling and was happy to hear what was being shared with him:

After that I was in a board room - and there we were in the room with some local business people - two that I know: Two of the men were influential business people in the locality: The man in the white robe asked the blonde woman who these people were - it was explained to him that she had known these people for a long time:

They had stepped forward and up to help her - and give her the support that she required: That is why they joined her in the board room - as they know her career background and integrity: It was a time in their lives when they wished to give back to society - for the abundance that they had enjoyed - and they knew that health was a priority for everyone! Good health is the greatest wealth!

There was a sign on a board that everyone was discussing - and there was a picture of a man on it in nature - the people in the dream were saying she should be with him: Yet in her heart she knew that he was just a friend - and he had been helpful in the work:

The man that was in the beginning of the dream was dressed in a white robe - and he was different to the man that was on the sign:
Interesting that I should have this dream today on the eve of an election in the UK - health and the NHS is a major one for this election: After the dream I read what the political journalist had written for the BBC: Nick Robinson wrote the following: 

'That may give me the chance to do what I've been unable to do for much of this campaign as I've had to follow much of it from my sickbed. I'm all too aware, though, that the thought of another few weeks like the last may be enough to make most people feel pretty unwell.'

In dream interpretation to see a sign indicates that it is important to get advice prior to making a decision: The man on the sign was in the countryside and what has happened in the countryside - will certainly impact on the influential business people that are concerned about the health of the nation and its future:

Some of the people in the dream were friends and in dream interpretation to dream of friendship indicates happy social times ahead with good companions: To dream of distant friends is a forerunner of unexpected news:

When you dream of business documents like the ones that were being shown to the man in the white robe - you can anticipate that the situation will resolve in your favor! To dream of health is a dream of actuality - real life situations that will impact on your health and well-being in a positive way - due to the different content and context of the dream:

The dream was a positive dream - and the people in the dream were all being positive about what had to be done next: They understood the power of the positive contribution that had been made to aid people with their health conditions - not only on a local level - but also on a national level:

They knew that she had brought pressure to bear in all of the right places in perfect timing and her work in health was respected - even by those business people who didn't fully understand why she was doing - what she was doing at the time: Now they understand the sheer importance of the moves that she made during her career and life and the reasons why! The people were ready to move forward with health - and make the changes that have to be made for the nation:


To dream of being in a board room - indicates that you are in an influential location with the decision makers - that are influential in the progress that shall be made in your life - their lives and in the lives of your people!


I've been looking at the importance of the white robe in Judaism and the white robe is called a 'kittle' also spelled 'Kiti' interesting that one of dad's sisters is known as Kitty!

'According to tradition a man wears this robe on his wedding day' and it is symbolic of his purity of intentions:


On Passover, it is traditional for the man leading the Seder (home Passover meal) to wear a kittel. In this context, the kittel represents release from bondage to a life of freedom.

The groom's kittel is seen as paralleling the bride's purity as expressed in her white dress and signifying the new beginning of married life. As an added bonus, there are 32 fringes on the kittel and 32 spells out "heart" when written in Hebrew letters. In some communities it is customary for the bride to give her groom a kittel as a pre-wedding present. Grooms who choose to don a kittel wear it over their tuxedo or suit during the ceremony and usually remove it before breaking the glass or after the ceremony.

In the Jewish calendar the day of the election in the UK is Lag BaOmer (33rd Day of the Omer - Hod sheb'Hod and it has a strong connection historically with the students!  Historically a great day for the Jewish people and this comes right after the birth of Charlotte in the UK! 


  1. Verse of the day

    The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
    James 5:16 NIV

    Revelation 7:13 Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?”

    Revelation 7:14 I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.


  2. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
    James 5:16 NIV

    Ecclesiastes 9:8 Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil.

    Matthew 17:2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.

    Matthew 28:3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.

    Mark 9:3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.
