
Wednesday 11 March 2015

Last Day

It is a bright sunny day with blue skies for the funeral today - and in the public domain John 6 is being quoted and it refers to the 'last day': We find the 'last and greatest day' mentioned again in John 7 - it also mentions the 'rivers of living water will flow within them' - by this he meant the Spirit!

We find the 'last days' mentioned in Isaiah 2:2 - its no coincidence that this blog is Lotus Feet 22 - the same verse is found in Micah 4:1

'Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king: They will come trembling to the LORD and his blessings in the last days:  Hosea 3:5 David did indeed come - and he passed over in October 2013

'Because of your father's God who helps you - because of the Almighty - who blesses you with blessings of the skies above - blessings of the deep springs below - blessings of the breast and womb' Genesis 49:25 '

Hence the saying 'As above - so below'

The celebrate the Festival of Weeks to the LORD your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the LORD your God had given you: Deu 16:10 

'The name of the righteous is used in blessings" Proverbs 10:7

No surprise then that Jesus said my name when he was blessing and healing - the scripture is testimony to that fact!

Then you will know that I - the LORD your God - dwell in Zion - my holy hill: Jerusalem will be holy - never again will foreigners invade her:' Joel 3:17

11th March the 'Day of Intuition' in this year of 2015 - the 'Year of Generous' as per Matthew 20:15 - the jewel of the lips Proverbs 20:15

When the man passed over I saw energetic diamonds and it has come to light - that his passing in his home was predicted in 2010: The vision of the diamond builders spade that was featured on the previous blog - at that time I wrote that it looked like it had letters written (initials) on it!

I know that he will be present today - to enjoy his wake - I see his face smiling and happy - a great way to remember him - may his send off be as he wished for it to be - on his last day! Now I must get ready to be!

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