
Tuesday 10 March 2015

2015 Year of Generous

2015 the numeric of Matthew chapter 20 verse 15 and it is Jesus speaking of being generous - another positive sign: They saw the face of love - they heard her cry - they heard her sincerity - the Spirit of truth - with love in their hearts they come and they sing  'Don't Give Up': That reminds me of Michael mentioned in the book of Daniel when he would ask her not to give up on the people - that he did his utmost to help:

Today the sky is blue and the sun is shinning - the light of love shines brightly - and its wonderful to feel the heat of the glorious sun: 

Proverbs 20:15 also speaks of the lips that speak that are a rare jewel - more rare than gold and rubies in abundance:

The purposes of a person's heart are deep waters - but one who has insight draws them out: Many claim to have unfailing love but a faithful person who can find - the righteous lead blameless lives - blessed are their children after them:

The Verse of the Day - Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to the reason for the hope that you have - but do this with gentleness and respect: 1 Peter 3:15 Today is the 10th March and it is the 'Day of Soul Searcher' so may everyone search their souls today: How generous have you been during your lifetime to date - not just with your giving - with your friends - staff - loved ones and children:

How generous were you with your time - energy - skills and talents and most of all how generous were you with your love - compassion and mercy! How charitable were you during your life on the planet - for the true heart is generous - the heart is for giving: So it is a year for speaking about 'generous' and don't give up - keep speaking for the lips of generous are a rare jewel:

Keep on speaking and sharing the truth in your hearts as 2015 truly did arrive in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law: The third month of March and the anniversary of the march of freedom: And Hashem has spoken of the 'restitution' being an important aspect of this year:

Hashem said 'Day of Rest' - Genesis mentions the day of rest on the seventh day - and about Benjamin he said "Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him - for he shields him all day long; and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders" Deu 33:12

No coincidence then that there was a man with the name of Benjamin in my life and my family loved the Israeli that lived in England with his family at that time:

He was a generous man and he was very strong - good memories of time shared together - it was a wonderful year of rest - recovery and just giving and receiving love:

Love always gets you through - as Whitney Houston sung 'Love is standing by' some people are sent to you for a reason and a season - some people have a reason for being in your life - and it is only later in life: that you come to comprehend the reason why their presence was imperative and crucial to the intervention and divine plan of your life!

When my son was born my first choice of name was Joseph - my second choice was Benjamin and his dad wouldn't let me give him either name: Yet he is my Son - 'Son of Days' = "Binyaamem" in Hebrew!

In 2014 - I had a dream - and the man that I knew in the dream kissed my head - and he spoke of 'JB' taking care of the woman while he was away! My son has certainly been taking care of his mum!

Experience counts - as the rare jewel speaks of it - in how generous some people have been for divine purpose and of Joseph:

14 "with the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield; with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills; with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and the favor of him who dwelt in the burning bush"  

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