
Sunday 15 February 2015


Before I left for Israel in 2007 - a man asked me to bring back something from Israel for him and his family. While I was in Israel - I collected some unusual shells from the beach - I also picked up soil from Mount Carmel.

A friend gave me some fruit for the trip home. Two pomegranates. When I got to the airport and the security team at the airport were going through my case - they asked about the pomegranates and where they had come from.

When I told them how I came to have the beautiful fruit in my case - who gave the fruit and where - they smiled and were happy.

When I returned to England - I gifted one of the pomegranates to a wonderful lady that had made a large donation to sponsor the second mission. Thank you to Sue - God bless you always.


T'Zadikah - justice and fairness for righteousness of the spiritual law.

The other pomegranate I gifted to the man and his family with a small container - in which I had put some shells - and soil from Mount Carmel.

To the healers that were still meeting with me  - I gave shells from Israel. Its great to work with shells.

This song is called 'World on fire'.

The energy of pomegranate grown in Israel is very powerful - especially when it is gifted by a servant of the LORD - so be careful who you give it to. In the video of the song 'World on Fire' you will see a younger male child with the older female child in the park and it reminds me of when Ho Anu was brought into my life.  God bless his soul and the T'Zadikah he did give. Jesus taught that a person that accepts a righteous person - receives a righteous reward. A person that accepts a prophet receives a prophets reward. 


For all the servants of the LORD - I shall call you the 'Love Liberators'. Always in my heart. To those that refused the gentles waters of Shiloh - its OK - now the children come. Isaiah 8.

One million women are marching in London on the 7th March - 2015. The week of the anniversary of the March for freedom that began in 2010. Glory be to God - for who could stand upon his Lotus Feet and live to tell the story. On Mount Carmel she did stand - and bless it in his name - for what is this that there were miracles for Israel - the will of God. So let the heavens and the earth be my witness now - for the old heavens and earth are passing away.

I read the other day that a pop singer 'Steve Strange' passed over in Egypt with a heart condition - was it another biblical prophecy fulfilled - you decide.

Today is the 'Day of Inventiveness' and its a good day to paint for my godson. Another Aquarian water bearer for an Aquarian Age.

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