
Sunday 15 February 2015

Pain Thresholds - Liberate the Love

Shall we discuss the 'pain' thresholds of beyond endurance. Many people know that the medics sometimes ask you about how much you are feeling it - and they ask from 1-10 and you have to say what that 'pain' level is. 

However - everyone has different 'pain' thresholds so how can they use the same measure for everyone.

As we know the Age of Aquarius has many traits of its Aquarius sun sign. Aquarians have a high 'pain' threshold - especially the women. So what happens to you - when you reach that 'pain' threshold and you go beyond endurance. 

The soil of the planet was in that situation 100 years ago - as proven by the Nobel prize winner that shared the science about the soil - and the state that the soil was in a century ago. Rudolf Steiner also spoke about the state of the soil on the planet that was impacting on mind - body and soul. 

What happened when the Jewish people reached their 'pain' threshold - the LORD sent his right hand of strength that he promised to send - due to the sheer importance of liberating the love. He kept his promise to his people and fulfilled the prophecies that he gave.

What happens when the healing angels - saints and masters go beyond their endurance. The heavens and earth bear witness to what man has done to the creation of the LORD. Then man has to pay the price for the co-creation of man.

California has had droughts for three years - 100 whales have died in New Zealand. 100 banks have received a cyberattack - and so it continues until humanity return to honoring that which is sacred. 

Jesus warned the men not to exalt themselves. For if you are true - she shall honor you - in the same way he honors her. For those that he pre-destined he also honored - those that he chose he also justified. 

The Son of God chose to show you how she honors man - she honors man by liberating his love and giving glory to the Son and the heavenly Father that sent him.  For that is the straightway - liberating the love of the true teachings that are in harmonic concordance with the prophets. When your love is liberated it brings you peace and well-being. 

The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes. 

From the well of peace - enlightenment springs! From Sacred Words 

The springs of the holy lamb of God that is featured in the song 'Jerusalem' - is seen in merciful compassionate action - in England in 2015. 

One million women are marching in London on the 7th March - against 'male violence against women and children'. The women and children have gone beyond their 'pain' threshold. The women and children have gone beyond their endurance. Their prayers were received.  

Life is priceless - and man must honor all life for the LORD will vindicate his people and those that have been faithful and true to him. Just as I was vindicated by a man - that the LORD sent. 

The LORD has vindicated yours truly more than once - it has happened many times. When I am vindicated - his Son is vindicated. 

'I wounded and I will heal; none can deliver from my hand. Lo - I raise my hand to heaven and say 'As I live forever - when I whet my flashing blade and my hand lays hold on judgement".

O nations - acclaim HIS people.

When you have an operation or you go to the dentist you are wounded - do you comprehend the importance of the healing that is required afterwards. Do you understand the impact of that wound on your consciousness - was it the truth that wounded you - or was it the knife of a surgeon. Did the laser treatment save your life - what scars were left behind inside you. 

Its very important that you know the difference - and what a flashing blade does. The other day I saw the light of the flashing blade and it went straight onto my torso - high waist - just inside the rib cage. It was a bright blue light - the color of Sirius. It indicates a divine operation is in action. Hence it indicates that there is scar tissue in that location. Did I receive punches from other children - indeed I did. Was I winded - yes. Was my body in trauma at school - yes. Did I suffer an injury to the mouth - yes - there was an accident at school. 

During what operation did I receive a scar in that location of the high waistline. Surely - I am about to find out - during the healing process of healing beyond endurance. Was the baby that was screaming for ten days prior to an hernia operation scared in that location. It could be that - as its only a few inches above the naval. 

Liberate the love - be liberators - for love is standing by. We kept our promise - to transform the 'way of sorrow' to the way of love. During the healing journey first you have to liberate the thought processes - then you liberate yourself from emotional memories that is having an adverse impact upon you. 

After that you have to liberate the soul from the human self - so that the divine self can be in charge of your well-being manifestation. If after that - your body is pushed beyond endurance due to life conditions experienced - then we move onto the next phase of the journey.  

Another healing can be necessary for the physical body - once you've done everything else. The mind is in every cell of the body and every cell has a mind of its own. 

Now Americans write about the huge amount of snow that has arrived in the USA - particularly in Maryland. Last week the LORD pre-warned them -  'If one more man tries to hurt her - then all hell will break loose'. After that they deleted the thread of important information - and contributions from many different people. 

Heaven and earth is my witness. This song was uploaded in 2011 - the year of perfected love. As Jesus said at the time 'We are moving into awesomeness'.

My heart is always open to receive. The people were given a choice - to go their own way or to go my way. Many of those that went their own way have since left the planet. The straightway of Jesus the Jew was shown to me - and so it was that I walked the narrow spiritual path with him - all the way home to the heavenly Father and Israel. 

For what would the true Son of God do - take you home to the land where he was born. Take you home to meet the family.  So that you can experience it for yourselves - and why he loves the land and the people of Israel. He takes you on a pilgrimage that you remember with great joy in your heart - he comes with you on your mission for liberated love. 

How wonderful is that. Israel received great joy - wonders and grace. The right hand of judgement touched Israel and its people - to raise it up. I gave them my open heart of love liberated - the enlightened being and the lily of peace. I gave the doves in the waters of the galilee.  

In return they gave me the fruit of liberated love. I couldn't ask for more than that - I was given the fruit of their love - and liberated love was delighted to receive it. 

As a people that had gone beyond endurance - I honor their knowing and experience thereof. 

I listened and listening - was pre-destined to be a very important aspect of what I was sent to do. It was written in every aspect of my being - and I couldn't go to Israel until I could truly listen. That is why Jesus said - only the Father will know the time and the hour. He knew the time - hour - and minutes - its written in my birth chart. 

The nourished love of the liberator arrived - and they were very happy to receive yours truly. 

He's laughing and he said 'Love snucked up on you'.

The word 'snucked' can be found in sanscrit and it means to 'shock' or 'astonish'.

Big smiles! 

His Son certainly shocked and astonished me; when he snucked up on me. He surely had the same impact on the Jewish people; because this has been written about events that happened in the first century CE. 

It was an explosion of purity. 'Purity broke out amongst the Jews'.

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