
Monday 12 January 2015

The Sages


In the garden of grace there is peace
and in the peace is found the grace.
In the garden there are flowers
the fragrance of the arts of the sages.

When he comes to her in the garden
he picks her up in his arms and carries
her indoors. He knows what he requires
and so does she.

In his love of the sage they are united
as one in all that they do. The hearts aligned
in all that they find in each other. As they
listen to each other intently - looking into
each others eyes directly with love.

In the power of his love they serve
each other equally - and all is in
harmonic concordance with the
spiritual law of God.

He watches her every move -
and responds accordingly.
He holds her tenderly with
every touch.

In her eyes he sees the truth -
the power of divine love.
The light of peak spiritual fitness.
As if he's seen integrity for the first time
it causes a great awakening within him.

His life has been changed
he has been changed
his home enlightened.

His heart was moved to her
and when his heart was moved
She responds and moves with him.

He raised her up to be who she was born
to be - in his love for her - the sages
are reborn - the garden blossoms again.

The sheer beauty of the poetry from the
heart of the sage - opened him up
and enlivened all of his senses.

For all purposes - the intensity of
responses - the beloveds.
Such poetry - the fragrance of
the sage brought into the home.

Who could ever forget such
an experience shared in
in the energy of awesomeness.
Who could let the power of it
ever leave their consciousness.

Who could return a sage for
a sage when he required more
thyme. After Rosemary what
next - he could only know it
in his heart. He knew that from
the start.

The power of the beloveds
eternal love - the place
where their hearts do meet
the garden of their hearts.

Home is where the heart is
and when your heart is in
the home of miracles -
miracles manifest.

Divine intervention
exists for the true
Sons of Light.

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