
Monday 12 January 2015

GT53 Circumcision of Spirit

The Gospel of Thomas - 53

'His disciples said to him: Is circumcision useful or not. 

He said to them:

If it were useful - their father would begat him from their mother (already) circumcised.

But the true circumcision in the Spirit has proven useful in every way'. 


Those that have experienced it know it. 

Those that have witnessed it know it to be true.

The numeric of 53 is also interesting and prophetic 

as it was the year that I was conceived. 

What do orthodox Christians have in common with those that have been circumcised in the Spirit. They have about as much in common as some of the Jewish orthodox did with Jesus. He knew that the wisdom of the mother would give him the best return on investment - the one that gets wisdom loves life and the one that cherishes understanding will soon prosper. 

All those years ago when the experience of 'Circumcision of the Spirit' happened in a room on a healing training course. It happened in an old room in an old Abbey - that is set in beautiful open countryside. That countryside has been painted by many artists down the ages. I took my healing journey slowly - and advised the students to do the same for maximum results. 

The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes that you are given. Those that were present were involved in the great cause - it was a new beginning that weekend. 

Home is where the heart is - and my heart is at home with those that really do know the truth. The LORD moves my heart where he sees fit for me to be. Hashem.

"With long life I shall satisfy him and show him my salvation" Psalm 91:16 

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