
Friday 9 January 2015

Star Wars Shattered Characters Dream

I had a bizarre dream and it began with seeing star wars graphic characters shattered in pieces in space. Like shattered glass and in each piece I could see a piece of a character from the movie. The shattered pieces were moving at a very fast pace in space. Star wars - its graphics and its characters had been destroyed like there had been an explosion of realities in space.

This dream coming so close after the 'Paris Stage Patience' message could indicate an event in America to come - especially as the LORD also spoke of 'Lococo' and that is a name of a Caribbean drink.

Prior to Christmas I also received a dream of an old friend and she returned from France. It could indicate that after the event in France - many Brits will leave France and Paris.

When I read the news this evening - I saw that Saint Felicite location was mentioned with the situation in Paris - and it was in 2014 that the LORD spoke of how 'Felicity has crumbled'.

After that in the dream received on the 9th - I was in a place and I could see a tall white man in the distance on my left - then a very tall black man came up behind me and touched my back tenderly - he was very relaxed about everything and seemed to know what was happening. 

He kept on following me - and we carried on walking - and then he seemed to disappear when he was on my right. Like he came to help for a specific reason and was letting me know that he was watching.

The man of color had a lovely happy face and he looked just like the singer from Lighthouse Family - and he had tight black afro hair.

Then in the end of the dream I was in an historic location with lots of people that had gathered together - then all of a sudden young Elizabeth walked in - a Scottish girl - and I was asking what was going on.

I was told that it was an engagement party that we were at. Elizabeth had arrived. Everyone was happy to see young Elizabeth and David for the party. David was with us waiting for Elizabeth - the young man was smiling and happy and she was dressed casually. I approached her as she entered - and she responded - we will talk later.

It looks like the best engagements from the past - bring engagements in the present - that bring engagements in the future - and they can manifest in different ways. Past - present - future contacts with colleagues and friends who were important in my life journey appear again in the end. The people that are written in my book of life. 

That also aligns with the prophecy of Zephaniah.

In my humble view this dream relates to timelines and this is a New Year - 2015.

A new engagement in this 8 year makes a lot of sense - and I appreciate it is meaning and connections.


  1. Just seen the report of and it mentions L'Enfants metro station in America - Yellow - Blue - Orange and Silver line trains.

    It reminds me of the 'Helpless Babies' dream and the 'Star Wars characters' dream when they were 'shattered in glass in space'.

    Last night I was also given the name Matt and what has happened to him. e.g. Matthew.

  2. Now Disney takes on UK Star-Wars Fancy Dress Shop and website. Seriously, you would think that people would have more common sense.
