
Friday 9 January 2015

Jesus - Profound Words

The social networks and its going's on. Just as I arrived at a community Jesus spoke clearly and he said

'They were conformed to form and not enough ascetics'. 

A profound response to the community.

Aesthetics and ascetics so beautifully entwined. Can you have one without the other or does one lead to the other - like twin lambs. One birthed after the other as the twins in Monaco.

Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy - a philosophical and artistic view that can see the beauty in creation. The word 'aesthetic' is derived from the Greek 'aisthetikos' and it means 'esthetic - sensitive and sentient'. The aesthetics of creation and its ascetics remind us of many artists and their work that manifests in different ways.

I had written today how when you look at a painting - how do you look at it - do you look at it straight on - or do you look at it on its side. If it is an abstract painting - how do you decide which is the right way up - do you decide due to how much meaning it has for you and what you can see it in.

The Maple mandala was for a young man that appeared in a dream - it was a dream in a building - in the building there were people in a board room talking. First I was downstairs talking to an older man and he was listening to the words of wisdom. Today there has been a post in the community about him and I - so that dream is relevant to this post.

After I had spoken to him - I went upstairs to the boardroom. There was dad - a young man - and other people talking over the other side of the room.  We were smiling and happy - and dad was happy with us.

While I was painting the mandala - I focussed on the maple and radio - and I just let it flow. Most of the time I really have no design or formulated idea - when I start to spread the paint. It simply takes shape as it evolves and unfolds. Just like the spiritual journey evolved and unfolded before me in my life.

Does that make sense. Just as when I am sent on a mission abroad - I allow it to evolve and unfold. I allow creation to be my life - and the way that I live it aesthetically - in the sheer power of its naturalness of being an ascetic in divine nature.

Divine nature that can hear the truth and see the colors of creation. Black and white realities can be very stark - I love color for color is life - and the beauty of creation to the ascetic. To feel the vibration of color - to touch it - hold it - receive its messages. Just like feeling the energy of a flower that you hold in your hand tenderly. Its real - its alive.

Jesus is really hot for this song - I am glad that he likes it.


Michael learns to rock

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