
Monday 26 January 2015


After writing the previous post about AVR. The LORD has spoken and he said 'The spell is broken'.

The LORD has spoken
the spell is broken.

Spell is an interesting word - and as we know words have more than one meaning. How a word is spelt and the different meanings in different languages. With text messaging that is also impacting on the English language and how children communicate with each other.

A spell can mean a 'short period of time'. 'a splinter of wood' - 'a form of words' - 'A spell of illness'. You can have a 'dry spell' - 'mild spell' and a 'hot spell'. Of course there can also be a 'cold spell' and in the book of Revelation it speaks of the weather of love. Interesting that I also had a visit today from a friend.

Any news about 'SPELL' yep - 'SPELL CHECKER' Students having to spell without a 'spell checker'.

I must admit I rarely use a 'spell checker' due to the Americanisms and on the whole my spelling is good - although I'm sure that my grammar could do with some improvement.   I used to run extensive documents and long articles through it - just as a double check for professional documents prior to presentation due to typing at speed.

In 2008 after lunch with a publisher in London - he didn't ask for a grammar checker - he asked for an editor. In 2010 an editor was brought into my life - and then he went straight out the other side. I called it 24 hours from Tulsa.

It feels like the message is positive and that it means progress - wouldn't that be wonderful. AVR = 'to pass' - 'cross over' in Hebrew it can mean as in crossing over the river. I crossed over a real river many times during my life  - and drove through the tunnel on the way back home. It always felt great when you got to the other side of the river. Of course there were tolls on both sides collecting the coins.

Just like politics really - it doesn't matter what side you are on - you still have to pay.

So we have the repose in the heart for 2015 and the sanjay sharing of life experience of the travels. The narrator of life - its missions - adventures - challenges that were overcome. In recent days there has been the sharing of the adventure with the UN and the fact that I declined the opportunity to go to New York based upon my fact finding by email and telephone calls; prior to making that decision in 2002. That was also the year that AVR toured England.

We've shared some of the experience gained on two of the missions to Israel that are mentioned in Jeremiah chapter 11. Some of the people that were involved and what transpired. I've also sent that information to the news agency. It is my testimony - faithful and true.

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