
Monday 26 January 2015

Demis Roussos RIP

In 2014 kept on seeing the 'King of Rainbows' when I woke up in the morning - and he reminds me of Demis Roussos when he was young. Earlier in January - I received an anonymous text-voice message 'Goodbye' and Roussos brought out a song with that name. He was also in a group with the name 'Aphrodite's Child' prior to going solo. 

During the weekend I posted the text from the book of Acts - and how they shouted over Artemis for two hours. How they didn't listen to Alexander because he was a Jew. 

In the news report about the passing of this singer on Sunday 25th January - the 'Day of Destiny' (and it was written that I have a date with destiny.) It mentions that he was born in Alexandria in Egypt - and his birth name is Artemios Ventouris Roussos.  

His proper initials - AVR now that is no coincidence as I had spelt what the LORD had said prior to his passing as 'AVIER' and in French it means 'Flying'. In Hebrew AVR can mean 'Cross Over' or 'to pass'. 

It is written that he was born to a Greek father and Egyptian mother of Italian origin. He had a wonderful and successful musical career and sold 60 million albums worldwide. 

The BBC state that he was 68 years old and he passed away in the private Hygeia Hospital in Athens - with an 'undisclosed illness'. 

Goodbye My Love

I was asked why he is significant to me - his music was big in England and the rest of Europe. We would hear his beautiful voice sung often on the radio and for slow dances in clubs. 

Also wherever you went on holiday in Southern Europe - you were sure to hear his voice singing. So he brings forth memories of happy times - romance - love and holidays. Although it is so sad to hear of his passing over - so young. May he rest in peace - and condolences to his family and daughter. May you all be in the repose of the heart.

Greece is also in my heart - since the first time I stepped foot on the Greek Islands. The Islands and the Islanders won my heart - over and over again. 'Wisdom reposes in the heart'. 

It is written that Roussos toured the UK in 2002 - and that was a powerful year for love in many different realities.

In the past many spiritual people that were experienced at working on - with the lands and its energies wrote that the heart chakra of the planet is in England. Of course we wish Greece the very best as they -  like other nations - are going through the great transition. Nascent! 

It does make you wonder what this singer did to help the children of his country in a practical sense. Perhaps his daughter will share the difference that he made and what he did to co-create that - as 60 million albums plus singles is a huge amount. May what he did with his wealth - be his tribute from those that knew him and his life personally. As life is more that songs and music and love. Although divine love does feed the soul.  

This passing does remind me of the dream of the 'solitary business man' and how in the dream we were having a slow and romantic dance. In the dream the man also spoke of the presents and gifts of bags that had been given to Russia since 1989-90. When I looked into that timeline - it was when the female prime minister in England was ousted due to her ministers supporting a federal Europe.

I did buy a bag in Athens the last time that I was there for a few euros. 

In that music video above - Roussos is singing in Moscow in 2012. It is written that he was a committed Greek Christian and with an Egyptian-Italian-Greek heritage surely a Copt. 

Remember Jesus said that what is bound in the earth - is bound in heaven - and his love songs certainly reached the heavenly realms of the heart. Let us say thank you for the blessings in abundance. 

In this video he is singing 'Come all ye faithful' with his daughter EMILY.

His funeral is being held in Athens at 12 noon on the 30th January 2015.

That is the 'Day of Communication'.

As I am writing this - I just saw a flash of golden light at my right eye.

Confirmation of the Christ light.

He is blessed! 

This morning when I woke up on the 29th.
I was with lots of people that were happy and celebrating.

As I was coming into full waking consciousness -
I  could see - hear and feel them full of love as I was returning to my body.

As I am writing this now I can feel the Spirit of Jesus close to me and the love is HOT! 

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