
Saturday 17 January 2015

Psalm 20 Defence

Seeing the photograph of the green light in Iceland reminds me of Psalm 20 and the help that is sent. 
Psalm 20 mentions the sanctuary - Zion and the defence. 'Send thee help from the sanctuary - and strengthen thee out of Zion' 20:2 No coincidence that this blog has the numeric of 22 and it was in 2002 that a powerful miracle happened for the family of Jacob. It was also the year of the great healing work with the mums and dads at Sure Start.  

'Grant thee according to thine own heart - and fulfill all thy (divine) counsel' 20:4 In 2004 there was the first transit of Venus across the sun and training of Reiki Master Teachers. The delivery of spiritual teachings and the spiritual freedom campaign. The second transit of Venus was in 2012. Another healing miracle and in come the spreading of the paint and the mandala artist. The transit of Venus such as that won't happen again in our lifetime. 

'We will rejoice in thy salvation - and in the name of our God we will set up our banner: The LORD fulfill all they petitions' 20:5 2005 was the development of the new spiritual psychology website - the new exhibition stand graphics. The publishing of 'Sacred Words' and passing over of mum - what a year that was.

'Now know that the LORD saves his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand'. 2006 - more healing with David. There was also the invitation to speak at London Excel on Spiritual Psychology at the Personal-Development Expo -  after that the first mission to Israel. That was a flight that was. 

2007 - thrown into the global crisis and the second mission to Israel - delivery of the everlasting covenant. Some trust in chariots - and some in horses - but we will remember the name of the LORD our God'. Arrival of Michael who is mentioned in the book of Daniel.

2008 'We are risen and stand upright'. America 'They are brought down and fallen' the spiritual Americans that supported and promoted the Egyptian Isis in America and around the world. What else did they do - they elected Obama and allowed Monsanto to carry on doing what they're doing to the crops.

2009 - 'Save - LORD - let the king hear us when we call'. David certainly heard the conference calls and read everything that was shared with him. 29 the numeric of 'grace under pressure'. 

I keep on being given the numeric of 20 - before Christmas it was a 20 squared note that was given by the woman in the white fur coat. It was put in the palm of my right hand and closed around it. Then in 2015 - the 20 pounds of coconut in a spiritual and healthy context.  So when is Chinese New Year in this eight year. A Chet that reminds of the CHET Visions. 

Oh plenty of time its late this year - not until February 19th. That's the 'Day of Explorer' so its going to be a big year for exploring hearts. Now that I am truly back home - its time to be with the British again and there is going to be an election in May. Being with the Brits again also aligns with the dream of the 'Solitary business man'. I'm being told  'there is no greater support than those that love you'. 

I am certainly looking forward to seeing those that do. Especially - a very special lady that has known me for three decades. A time of replenishment - sharing and cuddles. Bringing people up-to-date. I am feeling much more energetic and happier now - its wonderful to be free - and away from what is happening in America and its realities. Once this computer is finally sorted - looking forward to returning to our new food blog as well. 

We've got my Son's birthday at the end of the January - then mine and Valentines Day. 2015 will be the year of 'Goat-Sheep-Ram'. Although promoters seem to be calling it the year of the Ram. They're planning massive celebrations in Manchester - the biggest and best in Europe they say. Reminds me of Darling Harbor in Australia.

Onwards and upwards - happy days ahead.

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