
Saturday 17 January 2015

David Green Lights up ICELAND

First we had HERMES and the 'Wood Chip Fire' at the port in Southampton and David Green spoke at Southampton.

Now the Green figure with brown is seen in the lights over Iceland. David John Green was honored as the UK's team leader of ecological self-sustainability.

When he used to come to me - and appear before me on a soul level - he used to arrive on the right hand side of my room. He used to come dressed as a monk wearing brown. However when he came close to me after his passing he brought a mass of green energy. It was everywhere - the forecourt was full of it.

If you look at the scan at a small size it looks like he has a shield or is it the golden fleece in his left arm and a divine laser in his right hand. He certainly did a lot of divine work when he was on the planet - and now he appears in the lights. What awesome lights are these - thank God it was seen and photographed.

Photograph courtesy of the Daily Mail 

The media wrote that they found David hanging on an oak tree in the autumn of 2013. Some have said that they can see 'horns' in the picture - and Hermes the messenger is also pictured with a helmet with horns. David was a gemini and gemini is ruled by Mercury = Hermes the winged messenger.

The biblical prophecies predicted that David would manifest and this is certainly a manifestation. The Daily Mail describe the picture as 'Christ the Redeemer'. However - David also chose the internet name 'Redeemer'. Awesome photograph - awesome manifestation especially as his company was green lights. Truly divine.

“Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Mark 11:10

I can see a bird with him in the manifestation of energy over Iceland. There must have been a bird with with him on his left for the passing in the tree.

The 16th of January is the 'Day of Fulfillment' and it reminds me of the end of Psalm 72. The age my mother was when she passed over. It concludes the prayer of David son of Jesse. In the Jesse fresco that sits in the Vatican - you can see a man dressed in brown in the fresco - and he is sitting behind me.
David knew about this fresco and the frescos were shared with him.

During the renovation of the Jesse fresco they closed my eyes that were open previously. Why the Vatican did that is the question - in these last days of the end times - when the cap of the pope keeps on getting blown off. Did they get the message - it has happened twice - does the wind have to come again - how many times is sufficient.

Seeing the photograph of the green light also reminds me of Psalm 20 and the help that is sent. Psalm 20 mentions the sanctuary - Zion and the defence. I keep on being given the numeric of 20 - before Christmas it was a 20 squared note given by the woman in the white fur coat. Then the 20 pounds of coconut in a spiritual and healthy context.

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