
Sunday 7 December 2014


I had a dream about an ex-neighbor. I used to give him food when he had none. Then there was a fire in his home and he was moved. He used to come to see me for company and when his electricity was cut off.

He would knock gently on the door all hours of the night and day. I would let him come into the warmth - talk with him.  Feed him and give him a hot drink. Sometimes I gave him candles so that he could see in the dark.

Before he left I would find a few potatoes -  a couple of eggs - some milk and tea etc. Whatever I had spare - I would give to him - and he knew in his heart that someone close cared fully for him.

Sometimes I had to give him some money for electricity - and he always returned it. Sometimes I didn't have any cash or any to spare. I had also defended him - Zion defends the 'oppressed' and Will was the inspiration for the 'Adopt A Stranger Campaign'.


Today I had a dream of him and the skin on his face had been blown away and he still had his hair.

The person in the dream didn't tell anyone about what had happened to him - and they didn't wish for anyone to see what had been done to him. Interesting that his mandala is like a piece of the jigsaw puzzle.



A few days later a man from the CT community arrived - a man that I knew. He was a psychologist and he was gently asking the woman why she hadn't disclosed what had happened to Will. Then the dream ended.

In dream interpretation; to dream of seeing a 'dead' person can indicate an inheritance. If you saw just the head of the person - it can indicate that something will be uncovered - and you have to be cautious and careful of what you do with that information. What a person does with the truth can impact on the future. In the dream I had seen what was under that man's skin.

In the dream there was no skin on his face - what was underneath the skin of his face had been uncovered. The skin is also about the immune system and the face that the world sees. The dream indicates that a discovery will be made - and it can impact on the future of humanity.

In dream interpretation skin can also be about relationships and all aspects of the dream have to be taken into account to ascertain the meaning of the dream. Clearly - relationships had impacted on the first man in the dream. He often met and was introduced to his partners in a location where people were kept in 'solitary confinement'. Then he was observed - what he did and how he did it - how gentle was he.

The second man in the dream was asking questions of the woman. In dream interpretation being questioned can be an obstacle dream - an obstacle to be overcome. The meaning relates to whether or not you give satisfactory answers to the 'psychologist'.  So then they observe the woman and how she responds to the man.

Will had become immune to what they do - he knew what they were doing to him when they took him into a hospital environment.  He had the whole situation sussed - in fact - in some ways - Will was doing their job for them - and making their job easier. He was usually calm and peaceful - and liked to play his guitar.

Will trusted yours truly - and he asked me to be his Advocate - so I did as he asked me to do. In real life - wisdom defended him the best way that I know how. They didn't like it when the real advocate turned up and that Zion defends the vulnerable.

They did not anticipate that a such a person existed - the Spirit of Truth. Then they saw that she is on the inside track and Will was a neighbor who had been given the hand of help  No costs involved - just her heart of compassion and mercy - for a person in the local community that cried out for help - like the birds singing for their supper.

When the Advocate arrived - it proved once again - that what she said is the truth. She is who she says that she is. Nothing can change what has already happened - you can't turn the clock back.

Will made his choice of his own free will. He that had nothing - had everything that was essential.

Her wisdom helped the vulnerable and Will does love life. Once he knew that he had the Advocate that he chose by his side - in the power of the light of love - he was empowered. Then his immunity increased and they had no choice.

The Advocate of Will. May he and his Advocate live long life.

Last night - I received an invitation to dine out at the Kings Head before Christmas.

That then reminded me of the other dream in the Kings Head and the woman with the white fur coat.

A woman that gave me the 20 squared note and closed my hand around it. In maths 20 squared = 400 and in gematria 400 is TAV.

Whatever happens to Will - at least he knows that he was blessed. Blessed to sing and play his guitar.

Blessed to be held in heavens arms and know that mercy and compassionate action really does exist.

1 comment:

  1. Since I've had that dream. I was invited to a friends of Christmas drinks with some ladies. I remembered the content of the dream and how I was being encouraged to share with I know. At the drinks party - I did get the opportunity to discuss some of what happened to Will - as there was a retired nurse in our company.

    After that the male 'psychologist' in the social network wrote how he 'didn't care about the immune system'. And this dream blog post mentions the immune system and immunity.

    Then a friend had something that she wished to share - and I can see how too that coincides with what is written.

    Now there is news of a fire in Wilmington - a house fire due to a disagreement with neighbors. Its very sad when disagreements result in a fire - and even more so when it results in a passing of people. That can happen if and when people do not care fully America.

    As far as I am aware - the children are safe. However - this fire in Wilmington was started on purpose two days before Christmas. The names of the 'deceased' have not been named so far. Seriously America why do you call your medical facilities 'Cape Fear' Jesus asked for the the people to replace the word 'fear' with 'love'.

    If you read this blog post - please light a candle for the people and children of Wilmington.
