
Saturday 6 December 2014

Peppermint and Lemons Sjogrens

This weekend I have been looking at the impact of having the tonsils removed in childhood. In May 2006 on my way to Israel I bought a copy of New Scientist. I usually buy a copy at the airport to read on the plane. What I read on the plane brought joy to my heart - I had another piece of the jigsaw puzzle. First the body of the baby was cut due to the cutting of the cord to short. For ten days she screamed - jaundiced - and then there was an emergency operation for an hernia. 

Then as a seven year old - the child stood on a broken glass in a river in Kent. Rushed to hospital again for stitches. The moon is under her feet - the scar still exists in the soft flesh of the left foot. Rev 12 

The next time that the flesh was cut - was as a teenager when the tonsils were removed.

New Scientist featured an article that disclosed truth - that cutting the flesh of children is a co-creator of allergies and skin disease. It became fashionable for medics to remove the tonsils of children - and that has impacted on many innocent children's lives; due to the tonsils being very important to the immune system - protection and defence of the body. 

This scan is from a book by Dr Ken Gillemo and it was published in Sweden in 1987. The book is called 'Cause - Effect and Treatment'. It came into my life at the onset of menopause - and I've kept it ever since. This illustration provides all the links between the specific teeth and the systems of the body.  

Some people have shared their life experience in self-disclosure with yours truly - and I give thanks to the members of GLP for sharing. The results were that most of those that had tonsils removed in childhood - also experienced skin disease and teeth - gum or mouth issues. 

What was interesting about the research with friends and people in the social networks - is that the onset of skin disease began in a time span - of approximately ten years after tonsils were removed. 

I then looked at Sjogrens and there we find the rapid erosion of teeth enamel - skin disease and tonsils removed. 

4 million women in America have been diagnosed with Sjogrens and the symptoms can include dry mouth and dry eyes. Women also experience long and intense bouts of fatigue. Over 90% of cases are found to be women - although there are some children and men found to have it. The onset usually arrives between the age of 40-60 - and it can arrive during menopause when estrogen levels are low during and after menopause. 

However - the American medics discovered that there is a commonality of Sjogrens manifesting after a serious injury - and that it can be a serious injury that triggers it into action. 

Andreas shares a video with us and his healing perspective on it. Interesting that he mentioned the words 'shut down' as 'shut down' also happens with people with M.E. Hence the shared fatigue with Sjogrens. Andreas recommends a 'Liver Flush'. Andreas 

I then checked to see what Dr Hulda Clark had to say and she recommended that the 'Liver Flush' be done after the teeth issues are resolved. In 2012 - I began working with the Adrenals - and started eating celery and making celery soup after a neighbor bought me some celery and food to eat. I also ate plums for eye health. 

A few years ago the LORD said 'Dry food no good or you - eat live foods'. Fresh fruit and salad - food for life - energy and moisture in it. Of course you have to be able to afford to buy it and with the cuts from governments - women are not able to afford their five a day - or all the other food that they require for healthy reasons. So then people get more and more ill - and at the end of the day - it cost the national health service more. 

If you have Sjogrens or are going through menopause - there is no moisture in dry food is there. At a time when the body requires good and increased moisture inside the body. The Barley Orange soup recipe on this blog is also good for the intestines and digestion.

The other thing that the LORD asked for in 2012 was 'glycerin' and I did a whole post on that and the skin issue. It has been found that glycerin helps the body to hold onto moisture and that is why some athlete's are using it. 

Glycerin is given to babies for their throats if they have a cough or to relieve sore throats.  One of the symptoms of Sjogrens is a dry cough. If you live in the UK you can get a bottle of it from Boots the Chemists for about two pounds. I took it through the winter of 2012 -2013.

With dry mouth we have to look at the 'Salivary Glands' due to 'decreased salivary causing dry mouth and tooth decay'. A biopsy of gland tissue might be necessary. The major salivary glands are in pairs and there are three of them. Dry mouth is also called 'xerostomia'. Reduced amounts of salivary co-create cavities especially in the roots of teeth. 

A woman with Sjogrens from Texas has made a video and she recommends to Americans - to go to her doctor in El Salvador for dental implants. She also experienced extensive and rapid erosion of her teeth enamel - after the onset of the health issues. Sjogrens is a very serious disease due to the cells being involved. Its rapid - just like skin disease is rapid - when the layers and layers of skin grow so fast.

It is about the glands - the endocrine system - immune system - that is why asking the original question about the tonsils is important to taking a case history. A medical case history done properly normally takes about an hour if and when I am looking at a case for investigation into the root causes of the health conditions that are being experienced. However - when did the medical profession ever afford to give you that much of their time. Another reason why people turn to alternative practitioners with their health conditions. 

Doctors and Dentists appear to be very slow in correlating all the different symptoms together - and there really isn't enough sharing of the health records between the two important medical teams. Really dentists and doctors should be in a clinic together; due to the power of teeth upon the organs and other systems in the body. A multi-disciplinary medical team is essential to work alongside the holistic team. 


I have some peppermint essential oil and while bathing - I shall give myself a peppermint oil head and neck massage. I shall massage the gland areas - the lymph nodes and include the thymus gland as well.

My son brought me some lemons and lemons are good for the immune system and zest. So a few slices of lemon in the bath tonight. I also like pancakes with lemon. Lemon and garlic butter - would go great with the malt oat biscuit recipe. So kneading the dough this evening -  kneading the body with peppermint oil essence. After that if the LORD wills it for me - then maybe we will spread the paint again. 

Zion defends the 'oppressed'.

Coconut isn't just for the outer skin - it is also for the inner skin.

So I clean my teeth with coconut oil.

I first began to paint coconut in 2012.

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