
Wednesday 31 December 2014


Following on from the MONICA message - and what it says in the Talmud about Jesus.

Let us unlock the hairdressers. For the Jewish orthodox claim that Miriam - the mother of Jesus was a hairdresser. Is that true - she certainly has wonderful hair. She only let me see her hair once. It was beautiful.

When my mother was young she longed to be a hairdresser - and Sophia would not allow it. The reason she gave was because of the 'chemicals.'

Then when I was young I saw what those 'chemicals' were doing to the hands of some hairdressers.

I remember that some hairdressers had to stop being in the profession and career that they loved - due to what it co-created for their health. Sophia was prudent - and was defending the body - sanctity and immune system of her child. I wonder if she also knew about what was written in the Talmud about the hairdresser.

How many hairdressers today - seriously look at what is in what they put on people's heads. For what you put on your head impacts on your immune system - so what do you put on your head. In fact what do you put on your faces.  What do you put under your armpits and the rest of your body.

What you put on your heads and faces - impact on your lymph nodes and glands that are important for your overall immunity.

In Islamic prophecy it mentions the 'Breeze' that brings a plague upon Muslims and I read that Egypt has banned the film Exodus about the plagues. The Islamic prophecy states the following: 

'A breeze from the south will cause sores to appear in the armpits of Muslims and they will die from it'. 

Armpits are to do with the immune system and the lymph nodes - so it clearly indicates a virus or disease that attacks the lymph nodes. Forewarned is forearmed brothers and sisters.

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