
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Jesus Strangled or Jesus Lived

Following on from the message MONICA the name of the saint - I watched the film of Augustine that features the sincere and compassionate actor - Franco Nero. He has many causes that his love compels beyond measure. It is an excellent film - beautifully made - although I did have a critique of it - due to the Americanisms that had been included in the second part of the film.

The scriptwriter had included Americanism that have become common in the media and social networks. Americanisms that the youth of today in England have banned. The fact that the setting for the film is the African continent and Rome - it strikes you when you hear Augustine refer to a philosophy that was introduced into psychology by Freud.

And I do not agree with what was written into the screenplay - that every man is the same. For the deeds of the parents impact on the next 3-4 generations. Just like his mother and his dad impacted greatly upon Augustine and the choices that he made. This is now proven scientifically - nature - nurture and environment.

It is known that he had an interest in the Greek philosophers. However - in this context the basis of Freud included in the Augustine film - came from Greek mythology- and not the psychology of the great Greek philosophers like Plato - Jesus and the prophets.

As we know Freud and Jung parted ways as many people do -  when they cannot agree on the most important aspects of people and what co-creates life conditions.

Looking at the life of Augustine objectively - based upon what the film portrays - it is clear  that what happened to Augustine early on in his life from a child - was due to ambition. When a child is very ambitious - it can co-create the sort of situations that impacted on the life of Augustine. America is a typical nation of great ambitions. Remember when Michelle Obama told the American children that they are the best in the world.

However - those life conditions and experiences - taught Augustine a lot about the law - and how the law was implemented and the reasons why. His gain in the long term was his life experience - life experience that he could then offer to the community that he loved - when he found his true heart again.

We cannot condone what Augustine did. However we can forgive and not forget what ambition can co-create. Integrity is essential - better to have integrity and be jobless - than simply have a job. Better to have dignity and mercy than to have a job whereby other people make demands upon you - and your integrity. Better to live with truth - than to put up with those that do not.

Many people have sacrificed their integrity for their ambitions in life - that includes in relationships.

I could not do that. For the LORD asked for mercy not sacrifice. Being true to God means being true to your own integrity - and heart of conscience - for it is your conscience that you have to live with at the end of the day. In being true to the integrity of God - I am also being true to my own existence and its divine purpose for being.

The greater the power of your love is - the greater the causes.  The film mentions the truth of different men - and how different the truth is to them. In my humble experience - real truth evolves as you become ready to hear it. The greater your love that you become - the greater the divine truth that is given to you. To walk in the power of love - is to walk in the truth of that love that compels great causes to defend the sanctity of the people - the best way that you can. With divine help - love is everything to help you - to overcome and be victorious.

When homelessness was my reality I had the power of love. When there was no food - there was still the power of love. When there was no money - there was still the power of love. For this love is unbreakable in the truth that exists in the righteousness of it. It is the power of love that gets us through everything - and together we unite in our hearts - and the true spiritual law that our Creator gave us.

As long as I have the true love - I have everything that is required to manifest what the Creator chooses for me to manifest. With the help of his Son - it is truly divine potential to continue to fulfill divine will.



Today included watching the Augustine film - and I was then drawn to prophecy due to the boat event in Corfu. I found that I had shared a prophecy from Nostradamus that included Corfu on the archive blog. It was interesting to see that the old blog post was linking Corfu - Islam - Black Sea and Oil exploration together. It includes the biblical prophecy about how the King of Persia would turn people against Greece.

In the Arethusa prophecy it also mentions the battle between two rocks and these prophecies gave me the feeling of the battle between the Western and Eastern Church. The church in Russia is also aligned with the Eastern Church and that would include Syria and Egypt.

I also came across a prophecy that links into the MONICA message. As my son and I were in Tunisa 20 years ago for Christmas and New Year. While we were in Tunisa we visited an amphitheatre and the prophecy speaks of the heavenly one that would come. That something would happen when the miracle was seen.

UNESCO World Heritage Site

That then led to look at other prophecies that exist and particularly related to the 'Breeze' as I read that the woman from Scotland with ebola has now been moved to a London hospital. And in America - in Idaho a little two year child as shot a woman in Wal-mart. How can people in America reconcile with that. How can they live with their conscience carrying guns when they're with children shopping. 

In Islamic prophecy it mentions the 'Breeze' that brings a plague upon Muslims and I read that Egypt has banned the film Exodus about the plagues. The Islamic prophecy states the following: 

'A breeze from the south will cause sores to appear in the armpits of Muslims and they will die from it'. 

Armpits are to do with the immune system and the lymph nodes - so it clearly indicates a virus or disease that attacks the lymph nodes. Forewarned is forearmed brothers and sisters.

I then looked to see if anything was written biblically about the armpits. There was nothing - although there is mention of the plagues when we smell the prayers of the saints. In recent days I could smell paint - industrial paint. Chemicals and then when I was reading about the Greek ferry disaster - I could smell medicals - like going into a chemist. After that it came to light that the men that died on that Greek ferry were from Algeria. Monica was also from Algeria.

Then I looked to see what there was in ancient Judaism on the armpits; to see if anything matched with the Islamic prophecy. Immediately the Talmud brought forth what happened to Jesus as it was written. In the Talmud - the Jewish orthodox claim that Jesus was strangled.

"He was lowered into a pit of dung up to his armpits. Then a hard cloth was placed inside a soft one. Wound around his neck and the two ends were pulled into opposite directions until he was dead'.

The question is what proof do the Jewish orthodox have that proves what they say is truth about his death. Are they sure they got the right man - because the biblical prophecy predicted that he would leave Israel and that they would weep again like they did before. The prophecy even tells us the direction that he took when he left Israel.

The Lute of Lovingkindness that King David revealed would come at day time - truly did arrive in Israel - and was born on Jesse land in Northern Israel. They found the ramparts of an ancient city where the sister of Mary lived with her husband. It makes perfect sense to me that the mother of Jesus gave birth to her son at her sisters.

However - I can tell you that when I went to Israel there was no room in the hotels for me in East Jerusalem. I am viewed as a Westerner you see - by Arab Muslim owned hotels. However - I was welcomed by the Arab Christians on the other side of the old city.

Also interesting that I had a dream of a man trying to strangle me with a red sash - and Nostradamus put sashes in many of his paintings. He was clearly pointing to what the Talmud said about his death. In the dream -  soon as I spoke the word of the LORD the man let go of the sash.

In the film of Augustine - he said that the old heaven and earth would pass away due to transmutation.

Jesus and the power of his love is very very hot with me as I finish this post. He is giving his blessing of love. You may remember that in the recent healing visions I was shown a Maltese cross with eight points and in the film of Augustine - all of the clerics were wearing an eight pointed cross. After the Maltese cross was given - then there was the hands of the woman holding the blue flower - and the hands of a man offering me rose pink petals. His hands were very large and her hands were very feminine.

As Jesus said - 'The truth shall set them free'.

On the 25th December 2008 when I was listening to what American clerics were saying. Jesus delivered this song. The clerics suddenly disappeared from my computer - and this song arrived.

He was taking my attention away from the clerics and America. He was reminding me of who we are.

It was after that we began the first ELIAKIM blog. Blessings in abundance.

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