
Wednesday 10 December 2014


Mandala gifted in 2014 - England 

People were writing about the 72 Virgins and scholars discovered that correctly translated it is actually 72 white grapes. That brought forth thoughts of the vine and the pips. Joseph is a fruitful vine that climbs over every wall - and in this timeline people can choose which vine or tree to sit under. Due to the banner being raised for the nations as predicted in the biblical prophecies.

Mandala gifted in 2014 - Portugal 

Surely it has been divine intervention that humanity was blessed with a soul singer with the name 'Gladys Knight' singing with the Pips. Truly humanity has been blessed again and again.

The poet Rumi also knew about the white grapes and wrote of grapes being mystics. He wrote of the clear white wine without dregs - and how they are blessed with the most beautiful divine names.

The other thing that was discussed today was Dan Brown's latest book and it was shared with the poster that after the Da Vinci Code was published it was reported that it had impacted on least 2 million Americans.

That is why the Vatican responded. Also the fact that Brown was pointing at the architecture was also a sign that the woman mentioned in Rev 12 was on her on way. They were fully aware of what the architecture contains in Rome. Although it was years after Dan Brown's book came out that it was revealed to yours truly to share the frescos. I really enjoyed that phase of the journey - and it was shared on the previous blog.

In 2007 - I read a Publishers Weekly article on how the researchers discovered that the populace were not interested in reading the bible. Although they were still interested in Jesus and new discoveries about him. I do have a lot to share - so let's see what 2015 will bring to us in divine operation.

The truth shall set them free!

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