
Thursday 11 December 2014

Jesus tells you when

This song beautifully sung - reminds me of the message from Jesus when he said 'Tomorrow' and the very next day there was a response. Many times he has told me when. He once said 'He will come when the blossom is flying off the trees'. He was correct - a man did arrive - and when leaving the house where he made his approach. The pink blossom was flying off the trees.

Then there was the time in 2006 - when I sent an email to Israel - and after the email had been sent. He said 'They will come on Sunday'. Sure enough - an email from a spiritual Israeli arrived on Sunday.

From experience I know that when he is involved in the action - he always tells you when it will be.

Interesting - a UK record label with the name 'WHEN' with an artist with the name 'OVERSEER'.

Over the years people have mentioned the visions - dreams and messages that I've received while bathing. I just noticed that 2000 and 3000 baths are mentioned in the biblical texts.

'It was a handbreadth in thickness and its rim was like a rim of a cup - like a lily blossom. It held 3000 baths'. 2 Chronicles 4:5

That chapter also mentions the 'bread of the presence'.

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