
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Son of Joseph - Judge

The Son of Joseph was a judge on the magistrates bench in the civil court on the land of Joseph of England.A justice of the peace.

In ancient times Jesus Ben Shafat was also a judge in a civil court in Northern Israel. He stood against the Romans in defence of the people.

In the book of Judges it shares with us that 'Whenever the LORD raised up a judge for them - he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived: for the LORD relented because of the groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them' Judges 2:18

A man that I once knew in our local community became a QC. He's a blessed man - and always worked so hard during his life to defend. He is a gentle soul - a Piscean.

Zion defends the oppressed - and Jesus helped the flame of Joseph to defend. Interesting that the word for 'raised' in Hebrew is my birth name. No coincidence then that ELOKIM is about strict judgment.

The recent dream of the 20 squared note enclosed in the hand of yours truly in the Kings Head - shows us that the ending of 2014 is a time of the Christmas of judgement. - Due to the numeric of 20 being the numeric of judgement. In the dream the woman was wearing a white fur coat - she was smiling and happy. White reminds us of snow white and the snow swept America - there has also been an explosion in Russia right after I had written about the Russian nuclear disaster that happened in the 80's.

The UN are saying that they won't be sending anymore food to Syria. The Israeli PM is calling for an election. With a million Russians living in Israel - it looks like the Jewish people will have to rescue Syria.

Obama won't stand against Russia and Israel when they stand together - will he. You can be sure that Putin won't let anything happen to the Russians that are living on the land where Jesus walked.

The LORD kept his promise to the children of his people. Islam can't meet the criteria can they. You have to be written in the records of Israel and walked upon its land - you also have to have the right name. Its no coincidence that the holiest city in Iran was named after the promised one.

Apparently - England has the two top international human rights lawyers in the world. We're just getting started with this Aquarian Age of the humanitarians. The preparation is done. Now let's see them catapult a quantum leap.

'The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed'.  Psalm 103:6


And from London an update from Russell in response to the journalist and what happened when the defending team went to 10 downing street with 300000 signatures. I can't help loving him for his honesty. Bless him he's doing his best the only way that he knows how. Russell Brand highlights what many in CT feel when trying to help the people.

This is the most honest that I've seen Russell on camera. He's also mentioned the baliff issue that I've raised again. Makes me feel like moving back to London and Hoxton where my family lived. Sophia and Mary lived in Hoxton in the flats that overlook the market. I just noticed the clenched fists with the girls and Russell.

Putting your fingers on the palms of your hands is a 'stress reliever.' and connects the energy with the heart.  The righteous YUD.

The Son of Joseph would definitely love Russell and the defending team at Hoxton.

He would be right there with the women - supporting and exalting them and helping them like Russell is. Our heritage in action in a humanitarian way. The Americans look on aghast at what is happening in the communities across the UK. How the communities are coming together - uniting in the heart -  and the Manchester team are doing brilliant as well. What is happening in the communities is inspiring for those that live in their hearts. Truly the emotive social evolution that was predicted in 2000.

I heard what Russell said about the jumble sales and cushions and that made me smile. Especially has I have been doing cushion paintings recently.

Onwards and upwards - as the RAB used to say - the power is with the people when they are united.


Russell and I both grew up in social housing in London - over 70% of the British did grow up on social housing. As such - it is our historical heritage and the vine of Joseph climbs over every wall. The banner has been raised for the nations and each shall sit under their vine or tree.

As the LORD said 'Your love is as tall as a tree and as deep as the ocean'.

So to those Americans that judge Russell I ask you what did you do in San Francisco.

Good deeds are what pleases the LORD and his Son. Good deeds that help the poor who are vulnerable in the face of the corporations. Russell supported the women and that was empowering for them to receive his love and support. They have a path of service to defend their homes - and Russell is helping them to fulfill it in the best way that he knows how.

And just because Russell is a tree in London - doesn't mean that he has to be a tree for America. America has its own trees - go find a tree to perch in - and receive the shelter that you require.

Good deeds in action - Russell's good deeds are greater than his words.

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