
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Israel's Hero

A prince he is not -
although he smiles with compassion -
and asks you to be nice to the princess.
His loving kindness is beyond measure.

A king he is not -
what use is being a king to him
when he is loved by kings and queens.

A Lord he is not
unless a person
is a Lord unto him.

A brother he is
to those that would
accept him as their brother.

The best friend he is
when the best is only
good enough.

A colleague he is
when hearts unite
in the divine plan
of the fan.

He is the Son - a hero of Israel.
He walked the land to defend it
with his light of power of love
and he still does.

Zion's cause of defending
the oppressed is why
he came to help her.

Wisdom shared and kept
deep within two hearts
that are united as one.

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