
Thursday 20 November 2014

Zephaniah 'Wild Boar'' Prophecy

On the 5th November 2014.  The prophecies about the biblical plague of 'pigs' that is in America was posted. Would you believe it - the JW's knocked on my front door today.

Today Obama is in the news and the headlines written; Obama and his 'Legacy of Lawlessness'. 

That then takes us to the timeline of the Apocalypse of Zephaniah and its mention of the 'wild boar'.

"Their faces were like a leopard - their tusks being outside their mouths like wild boars. Their eyes were mixed with blood. Their hair was loose like the hair of women, and fiery scourges were in their hands". "He said unto me - "These are the servants of all creation who come to the souls of ungodly men and bring them and leave in this place. They spend three days going around with them in the air before they bring them and cast them into their eternal punishment". 

As pointed out since 2008 time - the leopard is mentioned in Rev 13 and the book of Daniel. So what travels in the 'air' for three days. 'Mosquitos lay their eggs three days after they've bitten'.

Then there are the other insects in the Americas in the same food chain with the 'wild boar'.

Do you remember the 'Model Dream' - earlier today I read about what happened to Miss Honduras and her sister that was planning to come to England for the Miss World contest. Very sad indeed. The testimony of warning was provided in advance; in respect of the escalation of what the world is witnessing.


So did her boyfriend with the mop of hair do it - it is written that he confessed.

I would like to see the forensic evidence before I would make a decision or judgement upon it. Especially - as it is written that they had been to a party - and they've been buried rather quickly.

Isn't there usually a coroners report in such cases - prior to any burial being allowed.

In the Daily Mail article it says her name is Maria - further down in the article it is written as Mary. Then in the model nightmare received in September - the name Mary was written due to the fact that I saw her in the dream.

They also say it was a birthday party that the girls went to - and I had a dream about a birthday party type celebration. Do you remember the 'Dinner Dream'.

Remember this; its international publicity for Honduras when its a beauty queen and model. Its also international publicity for the Miss World contest and beautiful women sell lots of newspapers don't they! In the first article that I saw the surname of the family was Jesus. The mother's name Teresa de Jesus is also written in the Daily Mail.

If you look at the photographs of what they say is the sister - it certainly doesn't look like a small woman in that bag. Also look at what else has emerged on that bag towards the right side top of it. Does that look a picture of a 'wild boar' to you. So is it a conspiracy. I'm sure some in Honduras will be seriously looking into it.

Seriously - a woman that is about to get on the plane to fly to another country to appear in a worldwide beauty contest - does not go to a party just before her long haul flight.

Then there was the message about 'Peter - Paul and Mary'.


'I will not permit them to come to thee because thou art pure before the Lord. I will not permit them to come to thee because the Lord Almighty sent me unto thee because thou are pure before him. Then he beckoned to them - and they withdrew themselves and they ran from me.' 

I can see why some Americans have had an issue with the word 'me'. 


In the beginning of the prophecy of Zephaniah it mentions having an out of body experience. Have you experienced an outer of body experience. I have when I was young. I certainly did begin my ascent after that - it was a long time prior to the Rev 12 timeline beginning. 

I have shared this prophecy for the simple reason of explaining the timeline; for further understanding of what is happening on the planet and to give an update upon it. 

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