
Friday 21 November 2014

Honduras Predicted or Conspiracy

Do you remember the 'Model Dream' - earlier today I read about what happened to Miss Honduras and her sister that was planning to come to England for the Miss World contest. 

Very sad indeed. The testimony of warning was provided in advance; in respect of the escalation of what the world is witnessing.


So did her boyfriend with the mop of hair do it - it is written that he confessed.

I would like to see the forensic evidence before I would make a decision or judgement upon it. Especially - as it is written that they had been to a party - and they've been buried rather quickly in my humble view. 

Then at the top of the tree of this mandala painted last week. If you hold the painting in your hand; there is the head of a beautiful woman wearing eyeliner - and all of her hair is piled up high on top of her head - like models wear it in the Miss World competitions. 


Isn't there usually a coroners report in such cases - prior to any burial being allowed. I'm sure that I've seen that photograph in the Daily Mail before; of the guy in the hat and googles. He's looking straight onto camera - he's wearing a watch and two rings. Can you see goggles on the left of that mandala. 

In the Daily Mail article it says the models name is Maria - further down in the article it is written as Mary. Then in the model nightmare received in September - the name Mary was written due to the fact that I saw her in the dream.

They also say it was a birthday party that the girls went to - and I had a dream about a birthday party type celebration. Do you remember the 'Dinner Dream'. In the dream was Tania who was also a model - dancer and singer.

Remember this; its international publicity for Honduras when its a beauty queen and model. Its also international publicity for the Miss World contest and beautiful women sell lots of newspapers don't they! 

In the first article that I saw - the surname of the family was Jesus. The mother's name Teresa de Jesus is also written in the Daily Mail.

If you look at the photographs of what they say is the sister - it certainly doesn't look like a small woman in that bag that they're taking away. Also look at what else has emerged on that bag towards the right side top of it. Does that look like a picture of a 'wild boar' to you. 

So is it a conspiracy. I'm sure some in Honduras will be seriously looking into it. 

Seriously - a woman that is about to get on the plane to fly to another country to appear in a worldwide beauty contest - does not go to a party just before her long haul flight.

Then there was the message about 'Peter - Paul and Mary'.

So what do we know about the boyfriend. 

How long had she known him.

Where did she meet him. How did she meet him.

How long had she been going out with him.

What did he do for a living - who did he work for.

Whose birthday party was it - who are they.

Was he planning to fly with her to England.

Why wasn't a coroner's report done prior to burial.

When will the Daily Mail; and the other journalists do some serious investigative journalism.

Oh yes - then there was the dream of the 'Son of Joseph' and he worked in the newspapers. There was also a young man of large build with a mop of hair in that dream as well.

Also in recent weeks -  I have been painting for a local new born baby with the name of:


Do you remember the dream when Rupert gave me a thin chocolate wrapped in gold - and it had 'PRESIDENT' written on it. What do they grow in Honduras - Chocolate. Soon after that - there was what is known as a 'hostile takeover' of a great British company. Cadbury's. 

Honduras used to be known as British Honduras. 

Love ya Eljai

Now to cap it off - at the bottom of that berry tree in that mandala - you can see a tiny graphic of Jesus with his arms up; and he is wearing a loin cloth. I didn't see it until after the painting had been scanned and uploaded. It just emerged.

The name of the mother of the model gave the surname of Jesus. Incredible. I would post the Rupert painting. However - I would like to keep it for the mother and her mother to see it first. 

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