
Sunday 16 November 2014


The 'inert community', is it any surprise that Jesus shared that we would bring it back to their remembrance. Yea, the Spirit of Truth would explain and do their utmost to remind his community to stay focussed and on track. Where were those people to defend him, do you remember.

You have 'inert' ecologists, and animal rights activists unwittingly having babies with under cover police officers. Couldn't they see it in his face, or feel it in his heart. How did they explore their hearts do you know.

If a person doesn't allow you to explore their heart, then ask yourselves, how genuine are they.

Ask yourselves, are they true. The last time I explored a man's heart face to face, in the flesh, he turned and fled. He knew that I could see straight through him and his intentions. Speak the truth, and live in the heart of integrity.

Yea, only one in a thousand can stand in integrity before this flame of Joseph's magnanimous love.

Some might say that Lotus is having another righteous rant again. Yea, well how many young people spent fortunes on university degrees at the expense of wisdom. Then when they get to college and university, they get put through the academic program to think like they think, and process logically, like they logic.

At the cost of their own spiritual growth and advancement. Then they wonder why, they so innocently walked into the hands of the undercover police officers. Seriously, every community has been infiltrated by one person or another. It is especially rife when the prophets arrive, that is why Prophet Isaiah spoke of conspiracy and conspiracies.

So this is a hefty reminder to everyone. There are people posing as 'atheists', there are people posing as 'Christians', Hindus', what Americans refer to as 'Pagans' everything that you can think of.

People get very nervous when the prophets arrive, as they know that it means, great change is coming upon the nations. Leaders of nations do their utmost to intervene, yet, they truly know, there is nothing that they can do to stop the divine intervention, and its divine operation.

So while the internet communities and physical communities are largely 'inert'. There are some very serious and experienced spiritual people, that do know what they're doing.

How many people invested in a true spiritual teacher, that would seriously prepare them fully for what was coming upon their nations. Remember, remember, the prophecy included in the parable of the net, and what the Angels would do in the last days of the end times. Remember, remember what would happen after the anointed was taken into the presence of the ancient of days.

It was sheer awesomeness!

I apologize for being blunt sometimes, it is merciful bluntness due to the sheer depth and breadth of my love for humanity. A love beyond measure, and reason for my incarnation. Ergon, a cause greater than the self.

How do you identify those that come into your sphere of influence, by what they write, what they say, and what they do. So make sure that you explore those hearts.

I can smell fish and chips how about you.

Hmm, I can smell lovely incense, the prayers of the saints.

Do you know what, the dog licked it!

The Sweep in Mary Poppin's and the children. See it is possible to change things if people really put the effort in. Once upon a time, children swept those chimneys. Funny how he sings CHIM, and how my name is sung is so many different languages, around the world.

Carry on sweeps, helping the children.

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