
Sunday 16 November 2014

Is Putin the 'Man with the Ball and Chain'

After I glimpsed what had been written today, I was given 'inert' in respect of the community.

Is it possible for man to write about anything serious without mentioning sexuality. Sometimes I wonder, I really do, wonder about what has created men like that.  Or whether some of them can even be called men at all. How many men can raise the standard, and think before they speak or write. Do they not realize, that children watch how they behave in the public domain, and that children learn what they live.

I found this engraving interesting. Its an engraving by Hans Sebald Beham (1538) of the 'swineherd', with the prodigal son. With the biblical plague of 'pigs' in America, it does seem to fit the timeline. You know the saying, they become what they eat!

We had people on Bondi Beach putting their bums in the air as per the man in the dream of it.

Then there was Putin happy with the Koala, and the wives at G20 loved the Koalas at the sanctuary as well. Next news is that Putin as walked out of G20. Now thats a man that stands up to the many, he's even banned American meat etc. Apparently, it will also have an impact on the poultry and nut farming.

Is Putin like the prodigal son that has returned, as he looks upon the herd at G20. Was he thinking, what I was thinking in the dream. 'What is he doing'. They welcome him to G20 in Australia, shake his hand, at the same time as telling him to get out of the Ukraine. I hope he enjoyed his dinner.

There is a great verse in the book of Hebrews, and it includes the following:

"if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast. (Hebrews 3:6—NIV)

Putin certainly has the courage to take on those that are taller than he. I did ask today, how many nations leaders at G20 are military men like Putin. Its easy isn't it, for men to speak of 'war' if they haven't been there. How many of the G20 leaders have been to the Ukraine. How many provided any facts of their experience in Ukraine, prior to speaking to Putin in such a way.

There has been a lot of interest from the Ukraine in this blog. In fact, it has been the third highest readership. In 2013, I was given a vision of a man who was dressed as a crusader. He was wearing glasses, and he had a ball and chain with spikes. This is what I wrote about what I had seen.

When I woke up today I had a feeling of goodness and was told that I had done good, I was shown many places and situations where I had been. I felt at peace with the end of the phase that I had been through. 

I was fully awake and I was shown a vision in a flash of a large ball with spikes and it was sparkling. After that I saw a man on a horse with glasses and he was holding the ball with spikes on a chain. He was dressed like a crusader. I had the feeling that he is coming now to do what he has to do. He was not happy with some and what they had done; and that is why he is going to swing the spikes. The heavenly Father said 'He comes to defend the gentle and tender hearted'. 

The feeling that I had when I saw the vision was that they had the opportunity to do it the good and easy way, now shebna will pay the consequences. 

It does remind me of when the LORD spoke of the 'Radiant Hand', and I received the incense of the prayers from the saints again this night, after I had eaten. I feel compelled to dedicate this painting 'Radiant Hand' to Russia and the Ukraine. For there to be peace in the region.


A man once came to visit my humble abode, he came from Yorkshire for past life healing. He gifted this flame of Joseph with a tiny little Russian icon of Mary and Jesus. I still have it in my bedroom.

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