
Sunday 23 November 2014



I was chatting last night to a friend and we laughed about 'Ruffled Feathers'. She asked 'Did you trigger' - I replied no. He just ruffled my feathers. 

See when my feathers are ruffled - I say - no. Shall I change my name to ruffled feathers -  that would be fun wouldn't it. Actually - I decided that I quite like having my feathers ruffled - and saying - no! 

It reminds women that they do have an option. And we don't have to say yes! It also shows you that you still have feathers that a man likes to ruffle! 

Earlier in the year - another holistic practitioner asked me about saying no - and whether I thought it was an age thing. I replied - I don't think so - the older we get the more determined and forthright we become. The more self-assured a woman is - the greater her confidence is in the truth of her professional life experience - and the wisdom gained from it. 

I have also been reading how an NGO in London as stopped newspapers and magazines going on display in supermarkets; due to children being able to see nudity. Their protest as now ensured that all that children will be able to see is the banners and not the women. 

Now that makes no sense to me as what appears on the covers in supermarkets can be seen on any beach. Unless of course you live in Florida where you're not allowed to sunbathe topless. I couldn't believe it when a builder came to tell me that I had to put my top on. They will be banning bikini's next - what happened to women's liberation. 

The morality of the 'Son of Joseph' was to encourage his children to accept nudity as natural - and wine in small measure. There was an important reason why he taught what he did. Surely - he could see what was coming upon humanity; and he did not wish for his children to be consumed by it.


The RAB was so happy when I saw him in the dream the other day. He would laugh as well -  if and when he ruffled feathers. He did like to feed the birds together. Just putting the seeds in your hand and allowing the birds to come and eat from it. Interesting the colors of the 'Closeness' mandala as dad wore those colors. Summer came and went - then Autumn arrived. 

Do you trust in love.

On 11.11 I wrote in public that I felt a deep sadness; and that there was a passing coming and that big action would happen after it. Sadly - the prediction was correct! 

This is the month that my mother used to go away for the winter months - she would go to Spain where she would be warm in the sunshine. It was cheaper for her to live in Spain during the winter; than it was to live in the UK. What does that say to the David Cameron and his energy companies. When the elderly cannot afford to live in the country in which they were born. Hence I am making the point again for the people of our nation. Zion defends the 'oppressed'. 

Ruffled feathers are a sure sign that floods are coming - and the nations are simply not prepared for it.

However - I did see a lovely vision of something that is being written - and a certain someone would like yours truly to be impressed by it. Its indefinable joy when you watch the wings unfold. 

Hmm - my head was just touched - yes - I felt it touch the back of my head. 

The presence unite. Beautiful!

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