
Sunday 23 November 2014

2015 Message

I was reading a post on 2015 that a someone had posted on Chinese New Year in 2015. Green AQ wrote: 'Whether it's sheep - goat or ram - is up for debate'.

As I was reading it the LORD spoke and he said - "How your life adapts to the circumstances that you find yourself in". 

It will certainly be a year for comprehending the LORD's message.


Summer 2014 

His message reminds me of how Jesus - his Son appeared when he came to get the one that wandered off - and after that my life adapted to the divine circumstances that I found myself in. Adaptability due to the divine energies is essential in this timeline. Flexibility and fluidity due to the sheer speed of what is happening on the planet. Hence the sheer importance of being adaptable in the best way that you know how.

The symbology of the gentle hearted lamb can be carried from one divine reality to another by the divine. Just like a koala on the shoulders of the LORD or like a child sitting on the shoulders of their dad. A tender heart is open to new beginnings and life circumstances that can enhance one's life and repertoire of experience. With the purest of intention of helping humanity to make a breakthrough.

When the gateway opens on the farm - whether it is a lamb - goat or ram. They're able to walk freely as the biblical prophecies ordain.


Summer 2014 

Once a person has walked freely - then what do they choose - what do they co-create. What do they choose to embrace or be embraced by. Once embraced by the light and love of the divine - would a person ever wish not to be embraced in the sheer power of its love. For what could ever bring greater joy than that which helps you through every single hardship that you might encounter on your life journey.

For what is life - does it have meaning for you - and what did you find in its meaning.

What did you seek and what did you wish to know. Did you move beyond aspiration - did you move beyond desire - did you move beyond by going through the narrow gate when it opened for you.

What did you experience when you reached the other side and what was given to you for the next phase of your life journey. All this comes up for review as the light of all goodness is called to review where they've been and where they're going.



How many people have relocated and how many are planning to relocate. Were you instructed divinely and shown where you are to go and be. Sometimes you can find yourselves in circumstances that ensure that you do move on; into a new and different reality - then your life adapts accordingly in harmonic concordance with the planetary energies that are impacting on your life conditions.

When Jesus first appeared before me - after that I was brought back from Australia to England. There was still much work to be done in England and Europe in a new and different reality. So it is true - my life adapted to life circumstances that surrounded me at that time; and that then catapulted life in a new way. In the empowerment of loving kindness it brought the easiness of understanding the roots of the poor and helping mums and their children. It was the passing on of human rights information so that the community would appreciate the sheer power of communication and the human rights associated with it.

2003 was the next phase of the journey and unfolding of the divine plan; that was to prepare me for the comprehension of the biblical prophecies for the first time. The mystical healer was ready for the unveiling.


The last time there was a sheep year was in 2003 - and that was certainly a powerful year for yours truly.  It was the year of teaching mastership in Assisi - Italy on the farm. The time when I was able to see and photograph the huge heart energy on the land. There was a lot of European travel in that timeline that also included the Canaries. Authors from Portugal were also in contact around that time; in respect of the Fatima prophecies.

The year of the harmonic concordance in Florence - Italy and also teaching ascension in England. Still touring on the galilee of the gentiles in that timeline. Interesting that three clients that I knew in that timeline have contacted me recently. All three people required something. As such it is showing me that the planetary energies of spiritual people is moving into requirements; and with those requirements it brings forth further changes that impact upon life circumstances.

When you satisfy a person's requirements and their questions about life circumstances; it is often the case that their questions will lead to other questions about their lives and circumstances. Eventually a spiritual teacher is able to show people what is required to be unlocked within. The people that they share their lives with. In some cases it can be families - sometimes it is children and sometimes it is partners or siblings. Sometimes it is lifestyle or diet and or both.

Sometimes it can be the people in your life that require unlocking - rather than you. How often do people ask - what would you like - what is your dream - where would you like to go and be. What brings joy to your heart. Did you explore their hearts - did you pay attention and stay focussed.

The length of time it takes to help people that come to you to meet their requirements - can depend on their adaptability - flexibility and fluidity. Of course has an holistic health practitioner - it also depends on what you have to offer - and what you can bring to the table of offerings.

If the work is intensive then it can depend on how much they are willing to give in exchange for your help. Shall it be payment - shall it be donation. What shall you give for wisdom. Remember this Jesus asked his followers for everything that they owned to co-create his spiritual community.

He did not ask for buildings to worship him. He asked for his healers to be funded; so that they could give healing to the people. He asked for the healers to be clothed and given funding. Remember this that Jesus knew that Joseph was gifted; and as such he continued the legacy of Joseph - coat of many colors. For he knew that the 'Son of Joseph' would come; in the same way that he knew that daughter Zion would come afterwards. The flame of Joseph.

Zion that defends the cause of the 'oppressed'. Who would support those that defend the cause of Zion as Jesus did. He paved the way for the feminine and helped to make the way clear with clarity.

Like arriving at a friends house for dinner - what do you bring to the table with you. Where shall you sit - shall you sit on the left or the right of your teacher or shall you sit directly in front. In the recent dinner dream - the man chose to sit on my left. Whereas the women chose to sit at my right hand -  and in front of me looking at me. In the divine plane dream there were men on either side.

So there are men in both realities; on both the left and the right. Although I chose the man on the right; due to the tenderness of the touch on my back - and the light of love in his genuine smile.

Will you listen intently or are you a person that has a mind of consistent 'chatter.' Did you learn how to silence that 'chatter' so that you can sit in the silence of your peace. For how long can you be in that peace; and for how long can you maintain and sustain peace of mind. Is humanity truly free if a person knows not peace in their reality.

You can hear the LORD clearly if you have attained the state of being peace. You can see him and his Son clearly if your consciousness has been purified beyond measure. When he speaks to you - your life adapts to what he says in the most life enhancing ways.

For his words are truth and in the Spirit of truth people are helped by the integrity of heart that David listened to. The divine wisdom that he understood and embraced. David shepherded them with integrity of heart is true. A biblical prophecy fulfilled upon the land of Joseph.

Integrity of heart is essential to ensure that people stay on wisdom's paths of peace; it is true that some joined in for wisdom's fast. And now the light of wisdom returns; to help those that still have requirements to be met; to ensure their divine missions are completed.

For what is life - to find out the meaning of your lives. As I was sharing in 2003 'The meaning of life is to find out the meaning of life'. from Sacred Words

2015 is a compatible year for those that were born in the Chinese year of the horse. The people know that the compatibility between the signs is due to the sheer compassion - mercy - charity and trustful loyalty that the horse has. A requirement that all humanity has; compassionate action - divine mercy and its gracefulness. Its elegance and charitable giving - its trustfulness for all that is truly divine. For social justice and righteousness shall be known in the new era of our heritage of the flame of Joseph. The 21st century was born in her wisdom - Sophia. As the prophecies predicted this calls for wisdom and insight. The count was indeed done as it was predicted to be; and there were many witnesses.

2014 was the start of a new era that will be with humanity until 2107. The accomplished mystical healers that love beyond measure. The leaves for healing the nations.

Hence it will be a year when more and more people will turn to the truly divine; and those that they've trusted in the past. People with integrity of heart and wisdom beyond measure. Those that have true trust in their being; will be supported by those that truly trust them. Just as I trusted Jesus when he appeared before me - so too my trust is still in him and the LORD that he led me to.

Why would 2015 be any different for yours truly. Once he has seriously touched and moved your life - who could touch and move you in such a way to live; what you came to live for divine purpose.

A divine purpose that was pre-destined prior to birth. My spiritual life and realities were enhanced and moved beyond measure when it was time for it to do so. So whatever life brings in 2015 - I shall look upon it with the joy in my heart that he gifted me with. A joy that is indefinable in its expansiveness.

2015 is also an eight year the symbol of infinity and eight is the CHET and the Chet visions; that were received in 2010. Hence I can conclude that those visions and messages received in 2010 are still in divine operation.

It will be a wood year and so it is the woodlands and the conspiracies upon them is still relevant. The rainforests and the eco-system of the planet. Wood is a natural resource just like people. Do you remember 1991 in the UK - it was still a recession financially. However - if I remember correctly - it was also a time of a physical move for yours truly; and after that things began to soar spiritually.

Remember what the LORD said 'TAP ON WOOD'.

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