
Saturday 22 November 2014

November 21-22 Cosmic Alignment

Last night received the smell of the 'Peppermint chewing gum' and chewing gum was created in Chicago. Then discovered the video that mentions 'Steve' and 'Patti' and the interview is about what is happening in American schools due to the Christian orthodox. How the name of 'Patti' is being put upon the consciousness of children in respect of female sexuality. 

I was then given the smell of leather shoes = SHOEMAKER and there 
is a school in Killeen - Texas with the name Shoemaker. So I have issued
an alert to be on the safe side. Its better to be safe than sorry. 

Especially under the recent circumstances and what happened to 
both Steve and Patti - one year apart. Let's see what paintings we have on 
red and rock.




After that I was given another different smell; and suddenly I couldn't 
remember the smell that I had been given. How can a person receive such a distinctive smell - then suddenly the memory is removed from your consciousness; to the point that you can't remember what it was you could smell. Bizarre.

So I just posted this sign until or if I receive it again. '-'. 

I will remember it if I smell it again. After that I was given the word "MERCURY" and mercury is to do with communication. 

Lights then flashed on my right hand in lime green and gold. 

Confirmation that I had received the message. Lime green is about 'Creative forgiveness' and the gold is the Christ energy. 

So what else do we have on MERCURY. 

The Guardian have featured the Mercury 2014 award.

Mercury is also the winged messenger - and there was some Nostradamus 
prophecies shared for this timeline about Mercury and Hercules in 2014.

Then we featured the article from the Guardian in respect of the English 
mums from Hoxton that are defending their homes and heritage from the 
American Westbrook partners. Zion defends the 'oppressed'. 

I then check my emails and a colleague in England has found yours truly -  she works with smell and animals. Aromatherapy for animals. Now when 
Steve passed over I recommended that his dog be given flower essences 
and aromatherapy oils for the healing of the dog. 

This is more evidence that Patti is in communication; as she would have known about the recommendations that had been put forward; for the dog that she bred.

Two different people that love animals one that grew up in America - and one that grew up in the UK.  How different their lives have been. 

The Autumn mandala is for a renowned Animal healer and teacher of healing therapies for animals. As I have felt a strong connection with her this year. Although she is always in my heart - love is eternal.

With every ending there is a new beginning - and with true love it always returns to wisdom and integrity of heart. One became a thousand indeed.


Email from 'Standing Up Women' in America and a human rights NGO
in Geneva. Plus the daily emails from the news agency that I rarely read.

So we're still on track with human rights. 

November 22 is apparently a new moon. 

22 is also a master number.

It comes in the week of 'Cusp of Revolution'. 

22nd November is the 'Day of the Liberator'.

The new moon is also in Scorpio.

What else

San Jose Mercury News Nov 22 

Pets and Wildlife

Space news there is a cosmic alignment.

'The sun, moon, three planets and the dwarf planet Ceres will all appear within a 20-degree span of sky. (For reference, your clenched fist held up to the sky measures about 10 degrees across.) Mercury and Saturn will be just west of the sun and new moon, while Venus and Ceres will be to the east. Unfortunately, the bright sun will wash out the beautiful "conjunction'. 

There we have the numeric of 20 again. 

Remember the dream of 20.

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