
Saturday 22 November 2014

HOXTON Mums -v- American Westbrook

The Guardian shares with us the story of how the New Era residents are fighting back against Americans that have taken over an east London estate. This estate was erected for the poor to live in affordable homes. In human rights law everyone has the human right to live in a home that is affordable.

'American fund manager Westbrook Partners - which brought the estate plans to increase rents. The move would make residents homeless at Christmas. Once again - young families are the mercy of international speculators.'

This interview concentrates on a British MP that is one of the investors of Westbrook Partners.

There was also a 'hostile takeover' of our nations chocolate company Cadburys. Daughter Zion shall not eat Cadbury's anymore America.

My own grandparents lived in a new block on this Hoxton estate when it was first built to provide social housing that was affordable.

Sophia and her husband and Mary and her husband lived in Hoxton.  The Aquarian Mary water bearer was my great aunt. I was only a small child when they first moved to Hoxton. As such - the residents of Hoxton have the support of Zion. I spent much time there when I was a child - and the block that my family were in overlooked Hoxton market.

I hope that the mums from Hoxton have been in contact with the Liberty Human Rights Charity to speak to human rights lawyers. It is a free advice line; and they do take on some unique cases.

However - Russell Brand has been on the case and helping them with their PR. In the frontline hey Russell you remind me of the 'Son of Joseph' when we used to shout 'Stand by Don Cook and don't pay the rent'. I was just a little girl sitting on his shoulders in those days.

May you also be blessed with children Russell.

However - I don't see you taking on the Americans at Westbrook - have you done a through investigation of Westbrook and who is involved.  Why select just one MP!

Just heard that there has been an explosion at the London Hyatt Hotel - near Marble Arch.

Thank you to the Guardian for supporting the mums and their children against the American property developer 'Oppressors'.

In Human Rights law we do have 'Inalienable Rights' in the UK - there is also the 'Persecution Law' and the poor in Hoxton are 'suffering' 'inhumane' treatment - that co-creates the 'Procurement of Suicide' as the elderly lady in the guardian interview explains.

Enough really is enough. From experience I know that in that social housing there are people with 'disabilities' due to long term 'ill-health.'  They too have human rights as do women who find themselves 'suffering discrimination.'

Poor people are being 'discriminated' against; and a majority of them are women. I dedicate this mandala to the woman and children at New Era in Hoxton. Hoxton is an important aspect of English historical cultural heritage; it is also the heritage of this flame of Joseph.


In Human Rights the people have the RIGHT TO HEALTH.

In that RIGHT TO HEALTH is the "Right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health".

As a mediator I suggest that Westbrook hand ownership of the properties over to the people; that live there at your earliest convenience.  Then an association of residents can manage what has to be managed -  as a community.

The New Era community have issued an eviction notice upon those that are trying to evict them.

New Era have the support of wisdom - may one become a thousand communities of social justice in Hoxton. Where these little Lotus Feet did walk.

May it be a beacon of love - light and justice of human rights for east London.

May that be the judgment upon the property speculators.

As our English children on this land of Joseph sing 'We shall not be moved'.

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