
Thursday 13 November 2014

Dream Australia Alert

I didn't enjoy today's dream. In the beginning of the dream there were a couple of guys and they kept on asking the woman to go with them. She was very reluctant to go out with either of them.

Then in the next cameo the woman was in a large lounge, and the two men were there.

She sat a big distance away from both the guys. Just listening to them talking. The man closest to her had some facial hair. Both the men were casually dressed in sweaters.

Then in the next cameo of the dream, I had a real sense that I was in Australia.

The woman was in a shop that was selling jewellery and other gifts, and the shop was all lit up and sparkly.

One of the men was behind her, as she was conveying the scene, and the contents of the retail outlet. It was clear to me, that he had offered to buy her something.

He was telling her to walk further into the shop past the lower priced items, they were walking down the aisle of the shop. He began talking to her in a very sexual way, he was behaving differently, and speaking differently, than he had done when he was in the lounge. She didn't like hearing the way that he spoke to her, he wasn't speaking to her in a romantic sexual way, he was doing the opposite.

I had a real sense that her life was in danger, and so were the lives of those in the shop and the surrounding area. After the dream, and waking up, my first thought was that this indicates an event.


In the dream the woman was listening to her first intuition about the men, to stay away from them. Her reluctance was based upon sound intuition. Her soul was guiding her to stay away from those men. How one of the men convinced her to go into the house and lounge, wasn't shown to me in the dream. Maybe she thought she would give them a chance, and try to get to know them more.

My view is that this is a warning dream for women in Australia. The woman didn't know the men in that lounge, as such, she was in a vulnerable position, one woman and two men that she hadn't met before.

The two men had dark hair and looked foreign, although their skin looked olive, from a distance.

The man in the shop spoke good English, although the nature of the way that he spoke to her, he clearly did not have any respect for women at all. It was also clear, that the origins of the man were not Australian, he definitely had an accent, that was more akin to American.

Maybe the man had been to an international school or university, or he could've grown up on an American airbase, or in a location that had a lot of Americans. I add that to give further description about what his voice sounded like.

In dream interpretation to dream of 'danger' can be a signal to look after your health. Hence, the dream could indicate that the woman was a health practitioner. She was also dressed casually, like a student nurse. I sensed that the woman was the same age group as the men, the same generation.

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