
Friday 14 November 2014

Burt Visotzky Exodus Time

The heavenly Father spoke of 'BURT', so who is Burt, Burt Visotzky and the video of him speaking of his inter-faith work, the Liberal left that has impacted on academia's view of the supernatural.

In the video you will see the pictures of Obama on the selves behind him.

It always brings up the question why, when videos cannot be uploaded to a blog.

In this video Burt speaks of the 'Better Angels'

Were the angels that he speaks of covered in feathers. How did they teach their souls to fly divinely, can Burt share with wisdom who is the pearl of great price. Did he truly comprehend the prophecies about the last days of the end times. Does he comprehend the biblical plague of 'pigs' that has monumental implications for the food chain in America. Does he understand why 160 countries have banned American meat.

How it will also impact on poultry, and nuts. How about how it will impact on the farmers livelihoods and jobs of American.  Is he still supporting Obama. Has he read Surah 44 about the Pharaoh, is he aware that it is a prophecy about Obama.

He says that he learned Greek to understand the NT. I discovered that even Greek school teachers, are not familiar with classical Greek. As I questioned a Greek school teacher who is working in England.

I asked her to translate a word in the NT, and the Greek teacher said that she couldn't translate it, as it was Classical Greek, e.g. Coptic.

Whilst in Greece, it was shared with me that there are only 300 people in the world, that can speak and read Coptic. Burt didn't say he studied Coptic.

And the discussion about the Exodus still carries on. The discussion that is bound to be raised again with the Exodus film being released in December.

I read that Burt says there is no evidence, yet, it is written that St Catherine's monastery in Egypt has the burning bush.

So who is telling the truth Burt, you, or the Egyptian Muslims that have guarded St Catherine's monastery to keep it safe. My heart and mind is open to new revelation. So what revelations do you have for the one that spreads the paint Burt. What do you have to say to the anointed. What do you have to say to the elect.

Did you include the Arab Druze, of course, they have a different view, and different history to Moses as well, they also teach reincarnation. How wonderful is that!

Amazing that wisdom was sent to meet the Arab Druze in Israel. Do you know what the Arab Druze priest said to yours truly. 'There is only 50 Druze in the world that know what you know'.

How did he know that, he knew by the questions that she asked him.

So where was Burt educated, his profile says Chicago, and he did his BA at Harvard. He has also been sponsored by Saudi. Big smiles! Hey Burt, did you know that daughter Zion came to America as the prophecies predicted in Micah 4.

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