
Monday 6 October 2014

Rory Alec GodTV Steps Down

Due to the incoming total lunar eclipse energies, it is no surprise that Rory Alec of GodTV steps down over what has happened in his relationship.

I did predict that there would be some revelations in the media in regard to relationships during this lunar eclipse.

Rory and Wendy who launched GodTV in London, on this land of Joseph, are originally from Durban in South Africa. The Daily Mail have written how their studios are based in Jerusalem.

This is not the first Christian evangelical leader to step-down in recent times. It is a sign of the time, that Mashiach Kum and Moshe are on the planet. It is confirmation of the biblical prophecy in respect of the shepherds.

It was in 2007, that I had a dream of a blonde South African that would leave his wife, after he saw the obsidian pillar with the golden letters ELIAKIM inscribed in it. Obsidian is a powerful crystal and it is for the gentle and tender hearted. Some say it is too powerful for some mediums to work with, and every person is a medium for energy, just like there are many types of mediums in the media.

Evidence of the healing arts can be traced back 1,000's of years. In Ancient Egypt, people sat in huge crystal sound bowls for healing. It is also written that Jesus spent time in Egypt, and the healing temples still exist to this day. We also know that he worked with color healing, as there were Persian dye houses named after him. Hence, in the power of love, color, crystal and sound healing, was brought forth again, by his true followers. Jazz is good for the nervous system, so shall we have some Jazz.

It was in the 90's that I was compelled to buy an obsidian sphere from a gemologist, and it sits in my bedroom with the White Stone. The white stone that I was instructed to receive in Assisi in September 2003, after I had trained Reiki Master Teachers. After that, there was the planetary configuration of the star of david, and spiritually people celebrated the harmonic concordance, globally. It indicated that great change was coming upon the planet.

Wisdom is a tree of life and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3. It is essential that people are self-disciplined, at the earliest stage of their spiritual development. As Proverbs 3 explains, wisdom is the best return on investment.

God sees beyond appearances, he sees directly into the heart.

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