
Monday 6 October 2014

BATMAN Visions and ST JOHN

Due to the message from Jesus about 'Feet Over Head', and the follow through with the 'Inversion Therapy', it brings me back to the bat, and the batman visions that I have been receiving since 2000.

So once again I am reviewing the visions. 

21st June 2009.


On the 19th of October 2008 God said ‘The bat is flapping its wings”. Then I saw a vision of the Phoenix rising, it then turned into the logo of Batman. However, it wasn’t static it was moving, it was alive and in movement like a golden fire. What does Batman signify? Righteousness and integrity, the defender of the people.

23rd October I saw a vision of a black bat again, and as it rose up it turned into the colour gold the same as the Phoenix does when it rises out of earthly reality. Its wings were huge like a butterfly.

December 2010.

'Then right in front of me was a huge BATMAN from the movie and I have seen visions of Batman many times. To the right of me was another vision of a large giraffe head and neck and it went over and above the human bats. In fact, the head of the giraffe was aligned with Batman and the giraffe as been symbolic of Michael.'

In  2013, Giraffes were everywhere in the location where I live. Then this year, this music video with the giraffe appears at the end of the video. 


Then yesterday, a person had posted a Pope Pius IX prophecy. Then up comes the Franciscan archive and that shares three prophecies of St John Bosco. Born Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, 16th August, 1815 - 31st January, 1888. He was known as Don Bosco and it is written that he dedicated his life to the children and youth of Turin. He developed his teaching methods based on love, and his method became known as 'Salesian Preventative System'.

Don Bosco was born into a farming family, and the main obstacle to him doing the work that he was called to do, was his brother. As he deemed that it meant that he was special. Indeed, a true calling. Many are called, and few are chosen. It is written that he had dreams about his calling from a child,  and there was a film made about his life.

'Gather around you only two co-workers, yet, wherever you go, carry on the task entrusted to you, and bring it to completion. Days go by swiftly, and your years are approaching their appointed number, but the great Queen shall always assist you, and, as in the past. She shall always be magnum et singulare in Ecclesia praesidium.

The powerful, prodigious defense of the community'.

I have a Giovanni Mandala so lets add it to this post. When I spread the paint for this mandala I wrote that it reminded me of a decorated pottery plate. Like the decorative plates that you see in Italy, Greece and Spain. Mum used to put plates like this on the garden fence, her garden was very decorative. 

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