
Saturday 25 October 2014


I had another dream last night, and the dream began when a man appeared before me, shaking, and wiggling, his clothed backside in front of me. I thought, what is he doing. Then I realized he was happy that he had shed some weight. That is what he had been doing, shedding weight.

In the next part of the dream we arrived at a restaurant with some of my friends. They were all women, the most prominent woman in the dream was Tania,  Tania was with me. During Tania's life she was a singer, dancer, model etc. She sat towards the end of the table.

Everyone was taking their seats at a long table, and the women left a seat for me next to the man. This man loves to be surrounded by women, he was in his element being with a table of women.

He was sitting on my left, and he began talking to me in his best voice. I just listened and smiled and he was also smiling. While I was listening to him, I pondered on the difference in the man, and how he behaves.

The dinner was some kind of party or birthday celebration, and it was my party of people.

Men, they make me laugh.

This is a beautiful mandala that was gifted from my heart and sent to Holland.

In dream interpretation, a party can indicate mixed fortunes and contrary omens. It is considered to be more fortunate to go to a party, than to give a party. Going to a dinner can also be a dream of contrary and a lot can depend on style or how lavish the event was. The restaurant was simple, just a white tablecloth on the table, and white is symbolic of purity.

With Tania and the man at the dinner, it was bound to be interesting, and he was doing his best to be interesting in the dream. He was saying certain things, to see how I would respond to what he was saying, a typical psychologist. That is also an Aquarian trait, exploring hearts.

In dream interpretation if a person turns their back on you, whether it is a he or she,  it can indicate 'jealousy or envy among your associates'. This is not the first time that this has been highlighted in the interpretation of a dream.

If the person turned around and faced you again, you can be sure that the negative aspects of themselves that they showed you, will pass, it is just a temporary phase of their growth and development.

When spirituality people are shedding weight, it doesn't always mean in a physical sense. It can be the shedding of their realities, of how they view themselves, and others. Its about peak spiritual fitness and being fit for divine purpose.

Like burning the fat off of a slice of meat. Of course, our physical bodies were built to be fat burning, and not sugar burning. Different types of fires that create the different energy. Do you live on sugar for energy, or your own fat energy, that is the question.

Do you remember that Omega spoke of the 'fat', the 'meat' and the 'degradation of the food chain' that was happening on the forum. Since Omega passed over, certainly a lot has happened in the last year in the CT community.

In the dream, the man felt safe enough, to show me that he was shedding, and had shed. After he had shed the weight that he was carrying. He had the self-confidence to turn around, face me, and dine with me and my friends.

This dream is about the growth of man, his self-esteem, and how they feel about the wisdom of the woman, that can see straight through him, due to how he behaves. What he writes and what he says.

There is nowhere to hide from the divine, and in his heart he knows that.

Is it kindness to share this dream, yes it helps people to grow. Yes, it is important that people comprehend the dreams. Yes, it is a cause greater than the self, and in his heart, he knows that.

Yes, wisdom arrived with her friends. Yes, the rider arrived with the other riders. Yes, the animal healers were with her, yes, she was a groom and groomed the horses. Yes, the physical being of wisdom was born in London. Yes, she was given an indian name at birth, a name that can also be translated into Hebrew and Arabic.

Yes, the name can be found in the oriental languages. Yes, the prophecies were fulfilled, and that the LORD would plant her name in every land and nation. Yes, the LORD predicted that he would betroth his people to him with a woman.

Yes, the Joseph flame, the power of magnanimous love, and its dream interpretations.

Yes, mashiach mandala artist.

Yes, is about courage, self-confidence, it is about trust. It is about the power of love. In the power of love, there is great courage, high self-esteem, true self-confidence, and total trust in that which is completely divine. Integrity of heart, faithfulness, righteousness in the spiritual law of wisdom.

Wisdom was chosen for her integrity of heart, she is a tree of life, and all her paths are peace.

Love beyond measure everyone

Onwards and upwards

PS Interesting that the 25th October, is the 'Day of Form'.

And horses have form. This is also the year of the wooden horse. Wisdom was once blessed to have a client that made rocking horses. I also had a Victorian rocking horse when I was a child, and so did my son. The great English rocking horse. As the LORD said, Tap on Wood', LORD keep us.

Rocking Horse is a great name for a horse. Did you have a rocking horse when you were a child. The rocking horse that wisdom had when she was a child was bought for 2 and 6 at a jumble sale at Coram Fields. Near Great Ormand Street children's hospital in London.

When I left the family home, the rocking horse was put in the shed, and someone must have seen the Son of Joseph put the horse in storage in the shed, because his wife found that it had been taken, when she went to look for it.

The Rocking Horse Story

I then bought a rocking horse for my son after he was born. If my memory serves me well, we kept it until we sold everything for wisdom's fast. Prior to leaving for Australia. In the story of the Rocking Horse it mentions the uncle and luck.

During my years women have certainly said to yours truly, 'You are lucky'. It was said to me when I was married. It was said when my business was successful, it was said again, when she lived in a six bedroomed house. It was also said when wisdom left for Australia, and when she was sent divinely to Israel on divine mission. In fact, a woman wrote how you must have done a lot of good in your life, to be chosen to do what you do.

A man once said that 'England's loss is Australia's gain.' When wisdom left the land of Australia, they said, 'Australia's loss is England's gain'. 

Its always interesting to look back over your life, and the things that have been said to you. The way people loved you, and how they expressed their love for you.

Hence, this solar eclipse and its energies have been interesting. 

Did you grow up with a rocking horse.

Did you grow up with literature, with books, a bookcase filled with interesting books. 

Sometimes, children do not realize how fortunate they are, and so I made a point of always reminding my son, that he was very fortunate, compared with some other children. 

As a child, he loved to travel. We would be getting off a plane, and the toddler would ask, where are we going next mum, with a great big happy smile on his face. All golden from the sun's good, and healthy energy.

Wisdom made sure that he experienced plenty of holidays in the sunshine, and that he experienced different cultures and its food. He was loved by people in different nations and countries. The light and love of his Spirit, was upon those that were blessed to see him growing up. 

1 comment:

  1. So at the dinner what would she say to him, in response to his questions.

    If I shared everything that I know, what would you do with it.

    Would it help you to enjoy your own spiritual journey and its unfoldment.

    As I have said to people before, truth is as close as your nose, its as close as the dinner on your plate.
