
Friday 24 October 2014

Cosmetic Surgery Thailand

Earlier in the month I had a dream about 'Cosmetics', 'foundation', and it was an Asian-Brit that was offering it. In the dream I would not 'conform', and I also made a post about 'Transform -v- Conform' in the biblical teachings. A woman that has been transformed would never 'conform' to people who are 'conformed'.

In the British news today, a young British girl has died in a cosmetic surgery clinic in Thailand. The power of dreams they're like parables, and the BBC report that she was having an operation on her back.

When I shared some of the information about the dream, a person, by the name of 'platypus', wrote the following in response to the dream. 

'A dream is only for you, at that moment, to deal with the now. to try to turn it into a 'universal' lesson is unnatural, at least for most indigenous and native peoples over 10s of thousands of years. Why western thinkers want to make it biblical and cosmic is probably something for the psychologists.

It's unnatural because it forces the person who hears your dream to believe you and to detach from their own eyes and their own innate experiencing of the truth.' 

Sometimes I wonder how much people like 'platypus' really know about shamanic healers like Jesus and the shamans of the indigenous cultures. However, I don't have the time to spend on providing the decades of evidence to counteract what 'platypus' wrote. Although, I will say this in response, the mature spiritual elders listened to wisdom, and wisdom is feminine. 

Even a Native American tribal elder had to be corrected due to what he was teaching the children. He had the humility to accept the truth, comprehend it deeply, and embrace it, when I shared truth with him.

It was a known fact by renowned psychologists that Jesus and his followers were psychologists. However, not psychologists in the way that the 20th century viewed psychology.

The original meaning is study of the soul.

Yes, we true followers of the way of life, have studied our own souls, as the spiritual community of Jesus is ordained to do. However, they also worked with each other to heal each other, just like Magdalene worked on Jesus and his body. 

Jesus sent the healers in his spiritual community to help the poor to heal their consciousness. The true followers of Jesus were given the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Hence, this mother of mothers came to be.

As far as dreams are concerned. Joseph was most well known for being a dream interpreter. Joseph saved many lives, he saved the Egyptian people from the famine.

Have you and your community built a fish farm yet.

The flame of Joseph arrived.

Dreams are powerful, and it takes the interpreter of them to know whether the dream is for the individual, whether it is for someone else, whether it is for a nation, or whether it is what I call a 'morality dream'.

The cosmetics dream was clearly a morality dream, to do with the spiritual law.
Just like parables, dreams have many layers, depending on your level of soul's evolution, will depend how many layers that you comprehend. It depends how many different realms that you've experienced, and how many different realities.

In the dream I did not 'conform', because I had already been transformed.

The transformed woman would never ever get involved in the 'cosmetics' industry, and its surgery offered by an Asian-Brit due to the nature of their foundation. In the dream the foundation was offered, and those that have been transformed, know that what you put on, and in your body impacts upon it. 

Remember Jesus spoke about what comes out of the body and Magdalene was an Aromatherapist.

To understand that you would have to comprehend the 'conformed', and the social engineering that took Asians from the natural way of life. 

As the LORD said, 'No compromise'. 

There are a lot of Asians involved in cosmetic surgery, and we know the cost of that in more ways than one. 

The Asian community certainly require 'unlocking'. As the musicians sing, remember Shakti Lotus Feet, remember Shakti, and this is the Diwali solar eclipse. Mother of mothers.   

It is now reported that Ancient Britons were more healthy than modern day Brits, and that is no surprise at all.

Its easy to comprehend why, it is about diet, its also about the health of the soil that the natural food is grown in. Divinely guided over a decade ago to share with people that a Nobel Prize winning scientist had warned humanity about the state of the soil in 1922. Rudolf Steiner and many others also warned humanity. 

Humanity don't give the soil a year off do they, they don't let the soil rest. So how then can healthy food grow in that soil. It cannot, especially when you consider what the farmers have allowed the corporations to spray them with.

Did you comprehend wisdom's fast, and why she was given time to rest in the sunshine.

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