
Thursday 11 September 2014


While posting on a thread on politics this evening. I heard the Tibetan bell in, and outside the right ear.                     

These are the last two paintings that came in.


10th September, 2014.

'Day of Private Goal'

I can see the head of a child on the right side of that painting,
and it looks like a Tibetan child.

I can see the connection between the heart and the head, via the throat.

Also what is in the throat goes into the heart.

So if a child is silenced for long periods of time,

what does that do to the heart.

In the painting the child is looking at the heart.

Children learn what they live.

The child looks like, it is looking at red fish.

What did they do to the red fish.


Make-up was unlocked today.

After that I received some visions.


While bathing today, I dozed off, while bathing, and when I woke up, I saw a vision of the front page of a forum, on the front page, at least two thirds of the threads were posted by people with the same user name. 

The name was 'FT Flame'. I then saw a vision of my email box, as I was about to email the information about the vision, then I saw there was an email response from a member. 

The member was responding to a previous email, and I could clearly see the subject heading that ended with + Lotus.

That was the end of the two visions, prior to me hearing the Tibetan Bell. Yesterday, I could also smell hot food cooking. When I looked at the news there had been a blast in Chile, at a fast food restaurant.

I do have some Tibetan Bells, that I've used in sound healing, and on healing training courses in the past.

So what does FT mean. It could mean all manner of things. However, if we add 'FT' to flame, it could mean 'foot flame'. Or 'Fair Trade Flame'. We also see 'ft' appear a lot on music videos, and apparently it is an abbreviation, for the word 'featuring'. I will ask for further divine guidance upon it.

Just seen the news, a baby has been born with four feet and four hands in China.

And a baby in India, has been born with two faces.

In the scriptures, Elijah gave instructions to the mother of the child to have plenty of flour and oil.

In the NT, it also mentions that Jesus spoke of the parable of a woman, and 60 pounds of flour, in relation to heaven. Then we find that in Tibetan spirituality, they use the flour to make gifts for the birth of a child. Children are from heaven. They also make steam bread, from roasted barley flour, and the LORD asked for the 'Barley'.

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