
Friday 12 September 2014


Following on from hearing the sound of the Tibetan Bell, and seeing the internet name, 'FT Flame' and + Lotus in the visions received.

Last night, I was in a lovely historic building, and it was a date with destiny.

On the way there I went past 'Hudsons', that is owned by Pippa's husband. The renovation is still underway. I remember their family that had an antiques shop in an historic building at East Gates.

That was before Pippa and Richard married, and the shop became a wine bar, that still exists today.

When it first opened, it was the 'IN' place to go, and we had many parties there. Pippa was a great hostess.




The man who owns the business in the location in the North, Ian, had appeared in a previous dream, that included a conference centre. It was shared with me that he hasn't been very well. So love and blessings to him, and his eyes, especially the right eye. When will they learn not to stand against daughter Zion, the anointed mystic sent by the LORD.

When will they understand and accept that the righteous one arrived, and that David is now gone from the planet. Psalm 89.

A man that worked in the London media, hence, I can understand FT Flame, could also be related to that. FT for Financial Times, the Son of Joseph also did some work for the FT in London.

When I worked in London, the Financial Times, was also one of my accounts, and we did a TV commercial for the client. Hence, I keep on being brought back to the Media, Television and Film.

Also interesting that I received an 'FT' email after the passing of Michael M Maudlin, the email mentioned Marion Still, in the USA.

Mashiach -v- Money Men

The probate administrator from the USA, also posted on the blog of Lotus Feet in 2014.

Last night, was the night that was, a total eclipse of the hearts.



I can see the connection between last night, and the 'Jesus Christ Superstar' dream from earlier in the year. There were some ladies there last night, that had also appeared to me in other dreams. So many dreams, so many insights, actions and deeds.

Then there was the smell of food and an event in Chile at a restaurant.

The 'Mutual Reception' and communication. Venus in Virgo.

For the Blue Summer generation, the new generation, may the LORD God bless the children in abundance with the panoramic view of Lotus Feet.

May their spiritual heritage of healing from their great grandparents always be in their hearts.

May they live their dreams, bring forth their natural talents, and unlock their full potential. May they always live in the power of love and its awesomeness. May they always live in truth and love beyond measure. As Jesus said, 'There is plenty of joy for everyone'.

There was news of a new baby also, in addition, I also met a spiritual lady, it was meant to be, we both have a connection with Peter. In the last year, I've met two of Peter's Reiki students, its a connection in the heart of the power of love. The RM's chatted about the unlocking potential of people.

Mandala Gate

There was mutual reception with some, and there was a lady that had blonde hair like an angel. It was really long, and she loves to dance, she remembers our dancing days, and we spoke of dancing again.

God willing, we shall meet again.

May hearts be filled with real joy.

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