
Monday 15 September 2014


All her paths are peace. Proverbs 3, let us stay with proverbs 3 and the peace. A couple of days ago, I was given a vision of a man, having a vision of me. I was sitting in a large garden, at a table painting.  

I was nude in our own garden. Just painting, happily, peacefully, in the sunshine. 

The man walked towards the artist, his beloved. He brought a cover with him, like a large throw.  He put the cover around her, wrapped her up in it, and picked her up in his arms. He then took her inside the house to make love. 

He came to get her attention, so that her attention would be on him, and his on her. There are times for togetherness, and there are times to be free.

After I was given the vision, I pondered on nudity, and its relationship to a location that is heavenly. 

When I was growing up, my parents viewed nudity as beautiful, and perfectly natural. So much so, the Son of Joseph, would've taken his wife and children to a nudist camp, if his wife had allowed it. Two different people, two different realities. How can people understand her paths of peace, unless they appreciate the innocence of the liberated heart of the flame of Joseph.


I view the garden where she paints, has being symbolic of her reality of peace, in this phase of the joyously, peaceful artist. I view the nudity, in this context, as a symbol of freedom. Spreading the paint is also symbolic of mashiach, the anointed, mentioned in Psalm 89.

However, the vision of the woman and its freedom, isn't a vision, that everyone can see. Its a freedom and peace, for the man that can see the vision of it, and that which he loves. There are times for togetherness and there are times to be free. The divine feminine gives him the freedom, that he bestows upon her.

In the vision, the man came to get the feminine energy, that was sitting quietly, alone in the sunshine with her paper, brushes and paint. All those different colors, just like Joseph's coat. However, she wasn't alone in her naturalness, and joyful innocence, in the energy of Spirit, inside and out.

He was happy,  just to let her, be free, to be, in her peace, painting, in his kingdom of heaven.

For what greater gift is there, than that. When there is a peaceful garden, there is a peaceful life. When there is a peaceful woman, there is a peaceful man.  Could you be contented with peace, would that be enough for you, in these last days of the end times. 

A few months ago, a friend took me to the beach, I asked her for permission to sunbathe topless, she said, I couldn't sunbathe topless at the beach, as there were people walking by. 

Hence, nudity has become a symbol of freedom, that many men would like to enjoy, in the purity of its innocence between two people.  That is why you see nude people on gay marches, it is an expression of their freedom and liberation. 

However, being in your own garden is different, to being in a public place, because not everyone has a garden of peace, that they can enjoy. There are many private gardens. However, how many nude artists  are sitting in them, being greeted by their beloved. 

Is it simply a romantic vision, or is it something much deeper and broader that impacts on many realities of life. In the proverbs, it tells you how she is a tree of life, it speaks of her wisdom and paths of peace.

Can a man live without the meaning of life, can man live without purpose, can man live without his love, shared by two in peace. Can he live without her wisdom, can he live without her paths of peace, can he live without the divine feminine. Can he live without his flame of love that empowers him.

Can he live without a garden, can he live without artistry and creativity. Can he live without vision, that inspires him, and motivates him to be the man of love, he was born to be. Man was given the cover, in which to carry her,  so that two could become one in the flesh. The unity and unifying of two different worlds.

Her peace is in the sunshine of life. Its like a summer that never ends. I once said, that if you bring your peace to me, my peace will add to yours, and your peace will add to mine. How can ambitious people understand the artist, poet or mystic, who lives in such resplendent peace, that it is heavenly beyond, most people's realities. Hence, my son Jordan and I, live in peace, life, still, like the lake district in England. The still point of the reality, like a pond, where new life is born and grows.

During the Rev 12 timeline, I received an invite to go to the UN in New York, to procure funding, to help the poor, with the 'New Empowerment Model.'  

Wisdom investigated the possibility, I found that if you provided a solution, that went across different realities, in an holistic way. The UN couldn't accommodate her, so she didn't go to the UN, I could have gone, and met all sorts of interesting people. 

However, the cost was too high, for such a luxury, and time is of the essence. I am sure others would've accepted the opportunity. However, wisdom knows, that her peace is worth more than rubies, and that the LORD would decide, what is best for her, and his divine blessings. 

She knows what is written in the flesh of left hand. She knows what is in her right hand. Both hands connect with the heart that she touches.                                                           


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