
Monday 15 September 2014



The messages in the last week from Jesus.

He's bought the diamond. Life. He's head over heels.

Now interesting that the musicians and singers 'Abba' brought out a song called, 'Head over heels' and it is written:

'She's a leading lady', 'Head over heels' Setting the pace'. The song lyrics also mentions a man that is admired.

There has been news that Hillary Clinton is looking to run for the presidency in the USA, and those that know, know what she has been involved in, as far as foreign policy is concerned.

Then there was another song from 'Tears for Fears', with the same title. The words that pinged out were about the heart, the doctor, the gun in the hand, and the four leaf clover.

I'm sure that I've received a vision of a four leaf clover in recent years.

There was a crop circle in 2009.

Another one in 2010.


I was wondering what picture to put with this and I was given, Moshe, Moshe.

Something major is happening, and it looks like there is going to be a big announcement.

I did wonder if it was Prince Harry, at first. Although, I have kept an eye on Scotland, due to the prophecies about it. The second song mentions the face of the child, and Harry never did look like Charles, even when he was young.

It makes you wonder whether there will be an announcement, just prior to the vote.

'Head over heels' are interesting words. Especially, as there is a prophecy about the heels in the book of genesis. However, as we know, it is usually a phrase used in the context of love and relationships, in the 21st century.

This then comes to be, when there is the mutual reception of 'Venus is in Virgo', and my ascendent sign, the Sagittarius archer, is impacted upon by Mars, this link also mentions the Grand Fire Triune.

Jesus describes it as being 'All about Intention', 'Purity'.

As he said the other day, 'This is intense' and he asked for 'Elijah's Fire'.


  1. This made me smile when I saw the green shoes and heels.

    Looks like they require wisdom.

    Proverbs 3

  2. It reminds me of what happened on 9-11 this year.
