
Sunday 7 September 2014


As we have been in last phase of Isaiah 61 since 2007, seven years, in this year 2014, that is also a seven year. The power of seven that was written about and published in 'Paradigm Shift' magazine in 2005.


Where are we now, at this pinnacle of life experience, in the life of the teacher of righteousness, on the spiritual path of the mashiach.

People were given the opportunity to comprehend the consequences of holding faithfully to the true word received divinely, in the eyes of the Church, as explained in 2 Corinthians 6.

What has happened during your lives, who, what, when, why. Wisdom understands what happened to David John Green, as written in Psalm 89, and the anointed.

Planetary wise, Venus now Enters Virgo the Virgin, and Robert Wilkinson shares with us the mutual reception, and it does predict change in communication, love and that which you love.

A mutual reception between Mercury and Venus. However, it is important to remember the perfectionist nature of Virgo. Depending where Virgo is in your chart, will depend how it impacts on your life, and where you can feel its powerful impact. Robert speaks of its preciseness, and that can relate to accuracy. Especially in respect of the spiritual law and its divine court.

Hence, you can be sure that many people will be moving into the next phase of comprehending the spiritual law, and the cutting edge scientists, that have supported the true Christos teachings in a very powerful way.

Robert speaks of the 'Forgiveness', and as we have shared previously, the heart is for giving, and the scientists, Dr Bruce Lipton, Professor William Tiller, and Heartmath have done awesome work. They have inspired a new generation of scientists, and author David Hamilton being one of the new generation.

So how are you doing with exploring hearts, did you have an adventure with your own heart, did you explore it, as much as possible. Did you find the mutual reception in your heart, did you find a place where your heart could reach out to humanity in a powerful and compassionate way.

Did you unite with others on the journey, for a cause greater than the self. Did you praise the causes of others, and their good deeds, did you embrace those that can help humanity, to make a breakthrough, and unlock their potential. Did you give those individuals your support, knowing full well, that they were doing their utmost to help you and your nations.

Robert mentions the influence of Cancer in this timeline, and that too is about the home life. Hence, the root is the access. Hence, it is a time of sensitivity, empaths, and the crab moves slowly and cautiously.

Will people bury themselves in the sand, or will they arise. That is certainly a choice for many Muslims in this timeline. Will they embrace the new heavens and earth, that is pure potential.

As I wrote the other day, after Elijah has saved the male child, she doesn't stick around, once she knows the child is safe. For in saving each child, so are the new heavens saved. The Virgin overseer has proven her point with Elijah's fire, the sheer importance of being zealous in compassionate action, when a human life is the reason, and the cause of daughter Zion.

Jesus did ask for Elijah's Fire, and you can be sure, that with his support for yours truly, it will impact on the home life and the security of everyone. Jesus and yours truly, do have a mutual reception, to help others to mature in his name.

The question is this, what security do you support. How high, do your gates have to be. Are they metal gates, with 'Hemlock', and 'padlocks', that support de-population and suicide.

Or are they divine gates, with divine keys, that defend your being and its sanctity. You see metal gates will not save you, the mercury of divine communication is fluid. Do you remember tubular bells, and how the bells were rung. Do you remember being called for duty, in mutual reception. Do you remember the sound of music, and its impact on peace, your cultures and nations.

Do you remember all of the receptions that we attended. Do you remember the words that were spoken, when the LORD said, 'They must hear your voice'.

The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass. Rev 21:21

Do you remember the divine message that was given to the female child in the Rev 12 timeline, to inspire, motivate, and empower her.

'The world is your oyster, and you are a pearl of wisdom inside a shell of love'. Sacred Words

The pearls of wisdom, the diamonds that adorned the crown, of the wondrous woman from heaven.

Hence, with Venus in Virgo, you might like to consider the parable of the Virgins.

For some have been blessed, as Isaiah 61 shares it with you.

Some cannot believe that we did so much, in such a little time. It was because those that are truly committed spiritually, give their utmost attention, and purest intention, to the most important priority, that is divinely guided with divine intervention.

The pinnacle of divine experiences, and a life lived truly. Many are called, few are chosen is true. People are given many initiations to encounter in life, some passed with flying colors, due to the sheer effort that they put into their self-development, and self-healing. Some were willing to go that extra mile, and more. No challenge was too great, for those that truly lived in harmonic concordance with lovingkindness and the spiritual law.

The sheer courage of the children that walked the talk, has to be applauded. For the children are the next generation, that will take the work forward to help others in the power of love. At the end of the day, the children are worth it, they deserved it, they deserve all the love that we can shower upon them.

That love, that mutual reception, where hearts met with the children, will be remembered. For as you show the children the upright way to go, when they are young. They will remember it until their latter years on the planet. When there is any difficulty in their lives, they will always draw on their strengths again. Strengths that have been developed in magnanimous love.

In their strengths they find contentment with life situations, in their strengths, they find those that loved them beyond measure. In their strength they remember what was brought back to their remembrance.

In their strength and willingness for mutual reception, they can overcome, just as their teacher, faithfulness in righteousness overcame.

1 comment:

  1. The heart and communication. British Heart Foundation fund testing on Labradors. No wonder I had dreams about the Labs.
