
Monday 8 September 2014


The heart and communication. British Heart Foundation fund testing on Labradors. No wonder I had dreams about the Labs, and I was holding the labrador puppies on my heart.

You know, American Garrett Hardin who supported depopulation, and suicide had a heart condition. He stood against helping the children of Ethiopia, the children of Africa, Hardin stood against helping the poor.

So may those with pacemakers, ask themselves, why. Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire of righteousness, and so it is delivered in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.


You see when you access the root causes of it, then you have the solutions for it. The cutting edge science, is available, and its supports the true Christos teachings.

Scientists have known for decades that 'anger', is the biggest predictor of heart disease. Hence, self-development is the most healthy for consciousness. The younger a person is to begin the healing, the better. For the power of love is awesomeness.

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