
Monday 1 September 2014

Mashiach --v- Money Men

Oh the men with money, I saw how it was evolving, and the moves that they made. They even spent years and money on in-depth market research, to understand what motivates those that are not motivated by money.

A charitable organization, also spent money on researching why the people are ceasing to vote for their paradigm. People are voting with their feet, they choose not to support all the shareholders  and stakeholders in the corporations that cause 'carnage' wherever they go.

So they gave humanitarians with big hearts a new name, they called it 'The Third (market) Sector'.

The reason they wish to understand us in this Aquarian Age, is that they've planned to capitalize upon it. 
Hence, all the crowd fundraising websites for projects, and websites like youtube. Let me remind you of the words in the bible, 'the poor making men rich'. 2 Corinthians 6.

However, we do have the ability to turn and change the tables, when the people are willing to do so. 

As Jesus said two days ago. 'They have a screw loose'. 

There is an excellent reason why the LORD asked for HESED and not sacrifice.

When the LORD asked for mercy, charity, and lovingkindness, he meant it.

“Never rearrange your life in order to meet Mr. Darcy half way. If he couldn’t see your worth at the moment you met then he won’t two years later. May the halls of Pemberly be filled with his regrets and your life filled with thankfulness because of this revelation.” ― Shannon L. Alder

When men give for the sheer enjoyment of giving, like they do when they co-create a child. Then great joy comes to be for everyone in the new birth of the nations.


1st September, 2014

As Jesus said in 2007, 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'.

When men come from their true hearts, they are compelled by love to give mercifully, and to those that are worthy of their giving. Everyone has a merciful heart when its entered truly.

If a child dies because a man did not give, what does that say about the man or woman involved. 

Who is responsible, and on who's conscience does it remain. How about the testimony of warning, if it is not passed on. Scripture shares some of the important aspects of the spiritual law with you, if the eyes are filled with the purity of the light of love to see it.


Remember this Elijah saved the child from dying, when Elijah cried to the LORD to save him. Elijah saved the child of the woman that had helped Elijah.

Scripture tells you that, Jesus saved the female child, when he spoke my name.

So it is, that Jesus gave the parable about the woman, yeast, and 60 pounds of flour for divine purpose. 

For it is about the spiritual law of giving that is heavenly. As you see in the grassroots painting, the heavenly dew and rain pours out upon it, for we know who is responsible for the child that died.

One child died, and another child lived in the community, due to the actions at the grassroots in 2013-2014. 

You can have photographs of the children. However, what good is it, showing me your photographs, without the leaves that are healthy for healing the nations. 

In the puppy dream, I held two puppies in my arms, they both lived, while one of the dogs was doing the licking, the other dog was watching the other dog, learning how to do it. The dog licked it! There were many dreams about the dogs, each dream held their own divine message, and insights into life experience, and the evidence of it. 

The color of the heavenly mysticism cornflower blue, the cornflower blue post on this blog, has received the most viewings. It is about relationship, and how mysticism, in pure intention can assist humanity to make a breakthrough. 

How mysticism has brought the true teachings back to the remembrance of the true followers of the truly divine. How the mystical healers, the prophetic social visionaries, the magnanimous love therapies, remote viewers and overseers of souls, can save lives when it is essential to do so, in the name of the LORD.

Money is an energy, and it is what you do with it that counts. It doesn't matter how much or how little you have to give, what matters is that your heart is compelled by love, to give truly in pure intention.

The meditation of the heart was funded by a family member, the success of it being launched in a positive, loving energy of giving, enabled it to soar divinely. The giver and the receiver, were so happy at its divine success, it began with a prayer, and miracles were the results.

In the cushion painting, there is a bright magenta pink cross, there are pink feathers, green palm leaves that are feminine in nature. There is an orange ring symbolic of the rind of the fruit, and its sunshine zest for zealous compassionate action that is charitable. Sometimes people require a cushion to make life more comfortable. 

When I was young I made cushions for people by hand, did you. Did you give a cushion to a person to remind them how important a cushion is. I was still having laser surgery at the time, and making the cushions, is a great place of resplendent peace to be in. 

So shall we give cushions to people in the forth coming holiday season, to remind them of the importance of comfort, and how comfort can give strength, to people in these last days of the end times.

The Aquarian Age likes comfort, this Aquarian water bearer, likes the comforter sweets, that are the shape of the little torpedo's. They remind me of my childhood, the Son of Joseph, and the upright teachings of the way to go. Teachings that he imparted through life experience.

Shall we remind the people that miracles really are possible, and give them a blanket or throw to heal in. What is your message to your family and friends. What shall  you give to them for their birthday.

Shall you spread the paint for them, shall you paint their lounge, what do you give to others from your heart. Will you give the poor a basket of fruit, and essential food for good health. How does your merciful heart compel you to love. 

Did you create your giving with your own hands. Did you sew for your children and grandchildren.

Maybe Jesus liked being a carpenter, and being able to give homemade furniture to the poor, that had none. Did you know that scripture says, that he told Mary's husband, that he had cut the plank to short, now there is a powerful message for the woodworkers. 

Was he speaking about the length of their giving or circumcision.  He does have a great sense of humor, and his teachings apply to different realities, there are layers to his words, like the layers of wood found in a table. Shall we share with the people, what happens if they cut the plank to short, and what impact that has on their health, heart and lifespan.

Shall we do as the LORD asked in 2013, 'TAP ON WOOD'.  

LORD keep us.

Can you make music by tapping on wood. It can be like drumming. 

1 comment:

  1. A teenager was rescued from the Thames near Westminster after jumping into the river for a prank.

    The 16-year-old, who was rescued by Tower RNLI, said he had been dared to jump in so his friends could upload video footage to YouTube.

    Helmsman David Norman said: "Peer pressure can be a very powerful thing... it nearly cost a young man his life."

    The boy was handed into the care of London Ambulance Service.
