
Monday 1 September 2014


Following on from the previous post, 'Sons opportunity - healing hearts'.

This morning at dawn, I came across the website with the magenta wings, and it has a magenta plane on it. In the location of the magenta plane, it is to with film making, and fundraising for it. So the journey with the film potential continues.

I then pondered on the possibility of doing a podcast, and the LORD spoke and he said, IBN. The heavenly Father is the only one that speaks to me in a language, that is spoken on the land of Israel.

Jewish encyclopedia share with us that IBN is an Arabic word, and in Hebrew it means 'Son'. They also state that it was pronounced, 'aben', it isn't. It's pronounced 'iben'. Like, I been.

In Arabic, it can mean 'descendent'. In a 14th century Hebrew Lexicon, it was also translated as 'stone'.

Amongst the family names mentioned on the website, we find that KIMHI, is also written.

No coincidence then.✓&keywords=KIMHI&commit=search

This link mentions three different Rabbis.

Rabbi Joseph Kimhi, Rabbi Moses Kimhi, and Rabbi David Kimhi. Incredible!

David Kimhi has been widely praised in both Jewish and Christian circles. A Jewish maxim, "If there is no flour (kemah, etymon of Kimhi) there is no Torah", indicates the essential place given to his works.

For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah. 1 Kings 17:16

So what shall I make with flour today.

He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.” Matthew 13:33

Interesting, the parable is about a woman, and he chose to give the numeric of 60. That numeric is about the spiritual law of giving. 60 pounds is a lot of flour. Sounds like a good number.

60 is the Jewish gematria value of the word, 'Chance', 'Bed In',  'Mail' and 'Call Back'. It looks like a sequence of  events that happened.

The value of the LAMED, the Hebrew letter that looks like a J in the ancient pictographs. The shepherds staff.

In English gematria 60 is the numeric of 'Bag', and 'J', and my son's name begins with J.

So what does J and Bag have in common, Jiffy Bags.

If there is no Kim, then is no torah, for she is written in the Torah. If there is no Torah, then there is no  New Testament, because Kim is also mentioned by name in the NT as well.

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